[center] [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/VirgilHawkins_zps855756da.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/VirgilHawkins_zps855756da.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Shock_zpsb0f67499.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/Shock_zpsb0f67499.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Designation[/b] B04 [b]Name[/b] Virgil Ovid Hawkins [b]Alias[/b] Static Shock [b]Species[/b] Metahuman a.k.a Bang Baby [b]Age[/b] 16 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] Virgil is an African-American teenager with short black dreads. When he is not in costume he wears blue pants, a lighter blue t-shirt and fitted baseball cap in a backwards fashion, sneakers, and a black jacket with yellow accents on the arms and cuffs. [b]Ties to Hero[/b] Former partner of Gear, trained with Black Lighting, has meet Batman multiple times [b]Power(s)[/b] [I]Electromagnetism-[/I] He able to generate electricity from his body and fire powerful lightning bolts from his hands. He can generate electromagnetic shields from his body in order to protect himself from bullets, lasers, energy blasts, and other projectiles, and he can also generate repulsion fields. He can manipulate magnetic fields and magnetically lift metal objects, as of yet he hasn't been able to pick up too heavy objects. He can use his powers to magnetize and demagnetize objects; broadcast his voice over speakers nearby; charge objects with electricity to cause them to explode and bend electrons to his will. He can also cover his fists with electromagnetic energy and employ this tactic in the use of melee attacks. Static has also has a trademark ability to generate electromagnetic energy to cling people and/or objects to surfaces, dubbing it a "Static-Cling." He can also use it to charge and levitate non-metal objects, but on some occasions, he has failed to. [b]Skill(s)[/b] Virgil has incredible intelligence for his age, being at the top of most of his classes. He also has an advance understanding of magnetism and machine mechanics which allows him to use his powers in interesting ways, such as dismantling guns or magnifying his shoes to allow him to walk on walls and ceilings. [b]Abilities[/b] Virgil is a decent fighter, being an above average boxer, with out his powers, though he wouldn't stand a chance up close with anyone who actually is trained to fight if he didn't use his powers. He is able to interrogate better than most cops as he use to deal with some of the toughest gang bangers Dakota, his home city, had to offer. He is also skilled in recon. [b]Weapons/Gadgets[/b] [I]Static Saucer-[/I] A collapsible disc that Virgil uses to fly around, he has been able to get up to 120MPH on it. When he doesn't have that he'll make use of any near by object he can. [I]Zap Caps-[/I] Tiny "grenades" of electromagnetic power that can be used to either give Virgil some extra power or be super charged and exploded like a flash grenade. [I]Smart Phone-[/I] Like any other Teen [I]Goggles-[/I] His goggles have Night and Thermal vision and has a binocular setting. [b]History[/b] When he was 10 years-old Virgil Hawkins' mother Jean, a medic, was hit by a stray bullet, while helping the victims of a gang riot. She died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Despite his small stature and quick tongue, Virgil was an honor roll student before his crime-fighting career began. He was also involved with several extra-curricular functions, most frequently helping his father Robert at Dakota's community center. Additionally, he and his best friend Richie Foley were inseparable. During his freshman year of high school, Virgil was bullied by Francis Stone. Virgil was frequently the victim of threats and beatings until a classmate intervened. However, this intervention came with a price: Virgil was to join his gang. While Virgil never gave any official answer, considering his natural hatred for gangs, the offer didn't imply an alternative was given. As a result Virgil became involved in the gang wars of Dakota. The gang wars escalated to a showdown by the Dakota docks. Though Virgil was no imposing figure, his presence was necessary at the event. As fists flew in numerous directions, police lights shone overhead. While the gang boys fled in various directions, stray shots collided with strange canisters of gas, which detonated and enveloped the area. Virgil escaped seemingly unscathed, a claim few others at the event could make. He may have appeared fine, but Virgil's body had undergone a massive change. The gas from the Big Bang, the name the locals gave the explosion at the docks, had charged Virgil's body with electricity. Using electrokinesis, Virgil was able to create a static field and manipulate the energy. After this discovery, he began to hone his powers. With Richie's help, the two agreed Virgil had to use his powers to protect people in Dakota. They created a costumed persona, and Static was born. After years of protecting Dakota, with the help of Riche who took the superhero name Gear, from the other teens that had gotten powers from the Big Bang Virgil was approached by the hero Black Lighting who offered to train him even further. Soon after which Black Lighting suggested that Virgil join a team of heroes his own age, which the teen hero accepted. [b]Personality[/b] Virgil is a typical teenager, he's into girls, gets annoyed with his older sister and Dad, but truly loves them. Despite this he also possesses a keen scientific mind, capable of using his electrokinetic powers in ways that other Electrokinetics, such as Black Lightning, have not demonstrated, like using them with the Static Saucer to fly. While in the Static persona he may show off a cocky, witty personality, in real life Virgil Hawkins is a geek who collects comics, plays video games, and loves syfi movies. [b]Friends[/b] Richard Osgood "Richie" Foley- His best friend and former crime fighting partner. He is currently still acting as Dakota's protector. [b]Family[/b] Robert Hawkins- His father Jean Hawkins- His deceased mother Sharon Hawkins- His older sister [b]Crush/Relationship[/b] Open [b]Other[/b] When he get's nervous or angry his powers are known to mess with the electronic devices around him like blowing up light bulbs or shorting out T.Vs. [/center]