The three men shifted their attention to the Captain. “Good morning.” John spoke. He then looked back at the Corporal. “Doesn’t look like you guys are infected. Let’s take this indoors, we were just about to do a shift change with the Marines who are still sleeping. Follow me.” John and the Gunny turned around and motioned the newcomers inside. They were welcomed by a loud thumping sound coming from up the stairs. John quickly ran up to see what the commotion was. He found a distraught Private Barns sitting up against one of the bedroom doors, his back against it as if he was trying to keep something out. “What’s going on here…” John demanded, with a bewildered look on his face. Private Barns grunted as he tried to keep the door shut. “Long story short. PFC Williams is dead, he just kinda died in his sleep. Brain aneurism, heart attack maybe? I don’t know. Anyway, Sykes goes in there and tries to wake him up for his shift and all of a sudden Williams jumps up and eats his face off. Zombie food. Disgusting. Anyway, they are both behind me now trying to come out and eat me.” John unslung his M-4 as Gunny Shull made his way up the stairs. John made eye contact with Barns and took aim at the door in front of him. “On the count of three… One. Two. Thr—“, John was cut off as a large arm punched through the door and latched onto Barns’ shoulder. What used to be Lance Corporal Sykes poked through the large hole in the door and sunk his teeth into Barns’ throat as he was crouched down in his seated position. John quickly squeezed the trigger, and sent a volley of 5.56 rounds through Private Barns and into the room behind him. He kept firing until he could see no more movement. He knew he would have to clear the room to be sure it was safe…