Leonardo looked back towards where Chris was and then towards the men, he had his doubt but Chris would be safe and he would return soon so he followed the men inside. When Leonardo heard the thumping sound he was quickly on alert as were the rest, following them upstairs quickly he kept his rifle steadied as he rounded the top to see a soldier sitting in front of a door blocking it. As the older man asked what was going on the soldier quickly elaborated his story, which did not bode well not well at all. After that the older man quickly took aim at the door and started a slow count for the soldier to open it, Leonardo pointed his rifle at the door as well, they were all thrown off guard however when the wooden door splintered and the infected soldier came through and bite straight into the soldiers neck, as the skin tore away a spray of blood hit the walls before the older man started firing a volley of shots hitting the soldier in front of the door and then peppered the room behind. The house quickly became quiet after, the scene before them had silenced them all. The older man kept looking at the door and Leonardo knew the room had to be cleared it was common sense, placing the rifle down against the wall Leonardo approached the older man an put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll clear it..." Leonardo walked past the older man and approached the door, getting to the side he silently knocked on the wood and listened, he heard a small shuffle of movement from inside but nothing more. Putting his hand on the knob, he slowly removed the Hitachi from his back and swung the door open peeking head inside, the soldier who killed the man on the outside of the door was laying backwards on the floor in a puddle of his own blood, his face was covered in holes, making his way into the room the other soldier was across the room, he was on the ground but very much still moving from first look it seemed that the spray of bullets had damn near taken off his knee caps, he was slowly crawling towards the door and Leonardo, he had a bullet hole in his throat so any sound came out in really soft gasps of air coming from the hole. Leonardo took the sword in hand and crossed the room sword in hand, approaching the down infected, the man reached out his grab his ankle but in one swift movement he brought the sword down and the tip of the blade slammed the soldiers head killing him completely instantly. Removing the sword Leonardo replaced it in the sheath on his back and made his back out of the room slowly closing the door to hide the bodies. "Its clear.. Listen this is probably a moment for you to deal with given you knew those men not me. I have a young child I rescued from Pendleton in the house I came from I am going to grab him." With that Leonardo picked up the M4 Rifle and slowly made his way back outside and back across the street.