As she realized that the others had little to no interest in each other or her, she began to calm down and step out into the hall. One of the unopened stone tombs caught her eye, and she wondered if perhaps there were more people like themselves suspended inside. She grabbed onto one edge and began to pull with feet planted, but it was too heavy and solid for her by far. If there were more of them, then they would have to wait until their own re-awakening. She headed out into the central chamber, keeping her distance from those passed still inside the hall. Others were already heading up, with little other choice considering the seemingly bottomless flooding that awaited below. Vaulting the ancient railing, she grabbed onto the thick weave of vines that covered the strange tower and began to ascend. Used to moving around in unconventional ways, she quickly moved past the other climbers and swung herself onto the third floor above the water. Looking around, she noticed that the narrow passage by the stairs on this level was different from the other levels. Below, they had been nothing but short dead ends flanked by stairs. On this level, the stairs were still there, but the passage was deeper, and she could see a light from behind a stone slab that blocked the rest of the passageway, leaving it's length and end a mystery.