Metal clapped against the cold marble of Michael's castle with it's beauty soaking the sunlight, the stained glass windows touched with prismatic lights that scattered the floor before her. She knew this place from the back of her hand, better now that there hasn't been a modification to the sculpture since the time it was built. She had no time to learn new places, just as there was no time to admire the light bestowed before her. The flow of her ocean-touched hair followed behind her like a dress's train, her cape dangling over her shoulders, and her determined eyes causing others to steer away from her. Her look, the glint in her eyes, with the lack of a smile was enough to keep people from ever bothering her. Good -- they were best not to bother her unless they were important by title of manner. Their efforts were little, but when she would be encountered, she would praise them to do better and to become better, though it had became tiresome on her tongue to repeat over and over. To her right was a large claymore, hung from her belt and cased in leather, engraved with gold, and then to her left was the mask that hid her appearance from the world. No one really had to see her, it was optional, and she really didn't have to wear a mask, because it was all optional, but a part of her smiled to know that many are baffled and curious of her due to this mask. It's very silly when thought about, but she was amused about it. The simple minds of simple people, believing there was some secret to her aura and presence, and in a life of duty, dedication, and pressure, the blue knight couldn't say no to ridiculous fun like that. The idea caused a mere smirk upon her lips, and little would she know that this made her look a little frightening to the easily intimidated, but others would see it as determination bleeding through. Well, there was no lie that she was determined. The pieces and tiles have fallen into place, and now was the when she was to seek a spot into this so called meeting. After all, the meeting is often composed of... Oh... what could she recall? One major to royalty as the minimum, two guards or escorts, and any extra important titles to the royal chair. She, as a knight, was to appear, yes? It was odd to think that this knight was ever more thrilled and excited to come to the meeting, enough to have sent a personal signed request to the King of Michael basically begging for a spot! To simply stand by his side would be an honor! Yet, also very important in terms in guiding the war. Though, she might be standing by the queen, which she would not complain about other than the fact that there's only one, stone cold chair to sit in, all which is handed to the highest seat in power. Depending how long the kingdoms were going to bicker... Her feet were going to collect blisters. As she passed through the wide corridor, a room much like a waiting room, her eyes had spotted a few other knights. They appeared inwards, a duo speaking amongst themselves, but she was not shaken by their cold posture. When they had looked up to her, there was an irritated vibe that swept through either of the parties. Only small talk was made, enough to receive knowledge of the king and queen's where-abouts. The queen, as always, was in her study, though the blue knight went under the assumption that this was for tactical and battle purposes. The mere thought caused her to squirm in discomfort, her hands wrapping within each other. What disgust... she seemed so obsessed, though this might be glorification in play according to the knight. There was something that was bound to go wrong with a queen like this and she knew that with all heart, no doubt. It always had her questioning as to why the king married her in the first place, whether it was a strategic move or out of love. Whatever reason for, she seemed best suited for a unit like this knight herself, however she kept quiet on her bias. Never would she say she was jealous, because if so then that would imply that the blue knight was distracted from her duties, but she would say that there might have been better choices for a queen since she may have strengths in battle, but weaknesses in being war-oriented and perhaps reckless in one way or another. The king must've saw something however, whether it truly was her tactics or her bosom size... The king wasn't any better, and in a moment when she had turned away the knight began to contemplate the ruling king. He had a violent streak in him just as his other brothers, but he had saved himself from a bad name with the improvement of life in the Kingdom of Michael. The latter was favorable, but she could not shake to know the tight loyalty he had for the current princess. His extremities, as shown before her, could lead to bad decisions for the kingdom when the angel-named land was not put into consideration first -- this, too, she knew all too well. Perhaps she was being overly critical again, but there was a sense of her that couldn't help that. There was an emphasis that had to be placed upon the needs of a leader, and though humans shall never be perfect, their flaws are to be limited for the better for the kingdoms. Even angels had their own flaws, just as much as demons, but those flaws were to be limited as well if they were to become benevolent, valiant leaders, with glorified names carved in stone. That is important to some; people like herself saw the well-being of the world and kingdom as important above all others. That too should be the goal for others, but it was reasonable to say as to why no one would see it as such. She passed through the arches of the castle, doorways with depictions of feathers from an angel's wings. The honor and love angels were given was something she considered as too kind, though she wouldn't mind the awe and admiration received. The angelic mind knew that she could have that anytime, but she had forfeited the need to display her true form. To display form would be... the same reason as always, the one which she had tried to forget momentarily as she headed towards the stairs that laid in front of the room, swept up to the wall and met towards the next story of the castle, one which had its own sort of balcony as others may gaze down the halls. Busied with servants and units alike, the knight started to ascend the stairs, seeking either king or queen to speak to, though there was a partial preference for the king with the knowledge that anything he says would go. That, or she was frightened to hear of war-talk from the queen. However, as she started to stroll the hall, her voice rang with the call, "My lady! My lord!" Adeline called, her blue eyes scanning the halls. She had repeated this as her walking pace quickened, though she had attached her calls with the following, "Where... are either of you..." However, she did not rest, and continued to repeat with different variations of their names, with some hope for a response. [center]⚜[/center] Waiting upon the balcony of a sun-dressed day, Valentine stood along the edge with his three doves, tending to them with bread crumbs and attention that followed with soft cooing sounds. Those which were most likely from the knight however, who had probably spent too much time among his doves, but he couldn't help himself. The loneliness was consuming by the minutes when he had his doves deliver the letters that called for a meeting among the three kingdoms. Sure, having two around was nice companionship, but it simply didn't feel whole, like a family. Small values of such had to be enjoyed if he were to ever remain focused upon his own goals. He had remained in the kingdom's garden, encompassed by the nature before him, while other whispers of knights among maidens had been subdued to nothingness. Those words couldn't reach towards him, not in his time of peace. There was nothing that a war could shake him from this time -- or so, he'd like to think that no one would ambush the kingdom at this time... It would be nonsense to do so, not in a time when peace can be achieved. He was anticipating this meeting, though a string of paranoid thoughts kept building and building up as he dreamed. There was much to be concerned about, whether it were because of rumors or truth, and he felt overwhelmed just by thinking about all the things that could go wrong. Fabled kingdoms, sudden assassinations, and arguments at the table... Perhaps this was a terrible idea. However, he wouldn't know until it has been tried, and the effort would say something to the kingdom of Raphael, wouldn't it? It should. He'd like to think that by doing this the kingdom would not be seen as an eye sore. Resting his elbows upon the edge of the balcony, he looked over to see one of his doves in the distance. Empty handed, and when she swooped down, he had given her some crumbs as a reward. All four of his doves were back -- excellent! He had worried about them never being capable of return, but he also had trusted them and their own abilities as being... birds. Yes, just mere birds, but he saw them as the best messengers and scouts. Giving them small strokes among their backs, he remained quiet and in patience for the queen's word. He was sure that he was to be brought along, though there was an understanding as to if he would be removed. Truly, he'd like to think he would be there. After all, what would he do today? Patrol the grounds of the kingdom, checking off equipment and food? He never enjoyed small, warrior-like duties of such, and preferred to be more involved with the kingdom out of habit than anything else. Petting the doves next to him, he looked yonder to the garden of Raphael's castle, admiring the flowers upon the walls and passing faces of fair creatures.