[center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-u_WqGcNH7_E/UXFvkCSps9I/AAAAAAAAEBM/TtmNkC_chzE/s1600/Razig_s+Pirate+Flag.jpg[/img] [b]Graal Hegemony[/b][/center] [b][u]General Info and Location[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Graal Hegemony [b]Capital System[/b]: [i]Gruul H'ea[/i]; Type 7 Planet. Gravity at 1.7 ESU, Oxygen rich atmosphere. [b]Dominant Species[/b]: [i]Graalicus hurvalis[/i], intragalactic moniker is [i]Graal[/i]. [b]Sub-Factions/Species[/b]: None numbering more than 100,000,000. Notable natives lacking industrial technology are used for forced labor and gladiatorial entertainment. [b]Direction From Galactic Core[/b]: Southeast Quadrant; Ferusian Nebula. [b][u]Politics, Power & Economy[/b][/u] [b]Head Of State[/b]: Gnatar of the Hegemony ([i]Gnatar[/i] is the Graal word for brain, this translation implies the Head or Brain of the Hegemony). [b]Head Of Government[/b]: The Council of Assorted Systems; an interplanetary council of representatives from the Graal homeplanets and colonies that create legislation for the Hegemony. They operate largely at the whim of the Gnatar, who has an abundance of veto power that keep the Council in check, should they seem to conspire against him. [b]Government Type/Operation/Description[/b]: The Hegemony is a militant and interplanetary fascist dictatorship run by the elite military class of the Hegemony. Large portions of Graal civilians are kept in check by the existence of commodity goods, though poverty is still the status quo. Planetary governors dictate the governmental whims of each individual planet followed by Regional Governors who overlook entire solar systems. These all answer to the Gnatar who has the final word in all things. [b]Economic System/Prosperity[/b]: The Graal economy as an isolated case (because the Hegemony rarely barters open trade agreements) is still immense under the pretense of a planned economy, but from an outside and extraplanetary viewpoint is largely stagnant. The Hegemony's ability to produce is absolutely immense, especially in arms manufacturing and the military-industrial complex, but they largely lack in agricultural and scientific research funding. [b]Empire Size[/b]: 6; the Graal Hegemony's last census recorded the population at 249,532,843,422 citizens.* (*: [i]The Hegemony Council of Population Control notes a variance of 12-15%[/i]) [b]Empire Power:[/b] Major Regional Power – Dominant Influence in a region. The Graal on paper are much larger, prominent and intimidating than they are in practice. The Graal have colonized dozens of solar systems, enough to inhabit them and begin resource extraction, but barely enough to allow them to grow without interplanetary assistance. The Hegemony is immense, but it's planets are hollow in infrastructure and underdeveloped. This is offset by the huge military assets that the Graal bring to the table. [b]Type Of Power[/b]: Military, Expansive: The Graal are ferocious; evolution has led them the path of the warrior and their great war armada's and million man armies do not merely stand at the ready, they constantly seek out opponents to conquer. The ultimate goal of the Hegemony is not the annihilation of other civilization's, but rather their subjugation under an iron Graal fist. The Graal seek not only to stake their flag on every inhabitable world, but to do it without any opposition. [b][u]Race Info[/b][/u] [b]Race Name[/b]: [i]Graalicus hurvalis[/i], common moniker is [i]Graal[/i]. [b]Average Lifespan[/b]: 65 Galactic Standard Years (GSY) [b]Physical Characteristics[/b]: The Graal species is characterized by an erected, bipedal skeletal structure with a particularly thick epidermal layer covering an immense muscular structure. The extra epidermal layers are used both for extra water and mineral retention and serve a secondary function of protection; these thick layers of skin allow the Graal to be largely impervious to low caliber weaponry and low velocity laser weaponry. The Graal are mammals and thus have vestigial hair that covers their body, and they produce live young that has a seven month incubation period. [b]Dominant Society[/b]: [b]Moral Values[/b]: The Graal value brutality, warfare and aggression as the prime characteristics and tenets of their society. Subterfuge and compassion are seen as weakness, as the Graal believe not only should you be the strongest, but you should let others know you are the strongest. This is displayed on both a civilization and individual level. The Graal often conquer lesser and beaten species and enslave them as a means of showing their indomitable will. [b]Religion[/b]: The Graal have left deism by the wayside and do not concurrently have a belief in any supernatural phenomena. [b]History[/b]: [b]Technological Overview[/b] -- [b]FTL[/b]: The Graal use [i]Sling Beacons[/i] for faster-than-light travel. They are one way particle accelerators that launch the targeted vessels at a certain velocity through the galaxy to a predetermined location. Returning often requires a Sling Beacon to be slung through to the other side as well. -- [b]Pulse Technology[/b]: Low grade fusion reactors that emit an immense amount of energy for their cost, but are largely unstable and leak radiation into oxygen rich and ammonia rich environments. Pulse technology is used for everything, such as civilian grade powerplants and military sublight engines.