[hider=Kingdom of Attolia ( Lands of House Wolff )] Name of Lord or Lady: Lord Lothar Wolff Fiefs: 1. Attolia (15 Points) -Fair (.7%) -Population: 18,598 -Some Resources (+7,000 Bullis) -Advanced Infrastructure (+600 Crops, 1,500 Bullis, +.2%) -Great Manor -Great Wall -Bailey -Military Bailey - Lord's Stockpile -Crops per Person: 4.6 2. Dawn (11 Points) -Fair (.7%) -Population: 19,692 -No Resources -Advanced Infrastructure (+600 Crops, 1,500 Bullis, +.2%) -Stone Manor -Stone Wall -4.6 Crops per Person 3. Aegis (11 Points) -Fair (.7%) -Population: 19,692 -No Resources -Advanced Infrastructure (+600 Crops, 1,500 Bullis, +.2%) -Stone Manor -Stone Wall -4.6 Crops per Person 4. Tara (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 5. Barris (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 6. Westfield (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 7. Munster (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 8. Concord (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 9. Peshton (2 points) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 10. Worcester (2 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 4,376 -No Resources -Improved Infrastructure (+200 Crops, +500 Bullis, +.1%) -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 11. Abel (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 12. Seval (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 13. Faxton (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 14. Stratford (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 15. Essex (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 16. Wessex (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 17. Kent (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population:3 282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 18. Sussex (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 19. Bergen (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 20. Middleton (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 21. Somerset (3 Point) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population: 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -Wooden Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 22. Avon (1) -Scrubland (.3%) -Population 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops per Person 23. Ridgewood (1) -Scrubland(.3%) -Population 3282 -No Resources -Basic Infrastructure -Wooden Manor -No Wall -4.2 Crops Per Person Towns: Attolia -Population: 1,094 -Fair -Attolia -4 Bullis per Person -Town Guardhouse Military: Standing Army: 500 Sentinels: -Sword Sword -Horse -Spear -Bow -Leather Armor 450 Axe Bearers -Axe Leather Armor with Iron Buckler 150 Marines -Axe -Bow -Leather Armor with Wooden Shield 5 Great Galley Reserve Weapons/Armor/Etc. 500 Pikes 1000 Axes 500 Long Bows 1000 Daggers 20 Ballista 2000 Leather Armor 20 Long Boats 10 Great Galley 5 War Galley Cost:61,750 Upkeep: 7500 + 1100 = 8600 Royal Court: (Spent 1 point for +12 Family points) Adolescent Son (5) Caelis - Age 16 Heir Child Daughter (3) Aria - Age 11 Elderly Uncle (3) Heinrich - 45 Court Chaplin Adult Courtier (4) William Coyle - 33 Steward Elderly Courtier (3) Thomas Nast - 48 Court Jester/Adviser Young Courtier (3) Richard Peterson - 25 Sergeant at Arms Young Courtier (3) Helen Ainsworth - 20 Lady in Waiting Optional Concerns: None Original Receipts: Total Population: 131,248 Population Living in Towns: 1,094 Crops Produced per Annum: (57,856 * 4.6 = 266,137) + ( 73,298 * 4.2 = 307,851 ) + ( 3,200 from infrastructure ) = 577,188 [ -3780 if full patrols are raised ] Crop Stockpile: 561,620 Total Growth Bonus: 9.4% Income per Annum: 150,624 bullis [ 131,248 from taxation, 7,000 from resources, 8,000 from infrastructure, 4,376 from town tax ] [ collected 35,644 in tariffs from Attolia in AU 107 ] Current Treasury: 186,055 House History: The House of Wolff has a deep history in Lundland. One of Overlord Aella's officers, Alexander Wolff, the founder of the House of Wolff and Lothar's great grandfather, distinguished himself through battle under the banner of House Trisch. He was also a notable patron of the church. In fact, when given his title, Alexander gave some of his fiefs to the church to allow it to grow and establish a great presence in Lundland by being able to appoint more Bishops. Unfortunately, it appeared that this generous gift turned to bite Alexander in the arse. As the church grew stronger, it distanced itself from the Master. As generations passed, the close relation between the church of Lundland and the family has cooled, and can be said to be merely be cordial now. In regards to the current political situation, the House of Wolff has been quite neutral. Although it doesn't call itself the Duchy of Attolia as it was once called, the House of Wolff also refrains from calling itself a Kingdom. In fact, in all writing, the House of Wolff uses either its House name or an ambiguous term like The Lord of Attolia. House Coat of Arms [img=http://www.lbbd.gov.uk/CouncilandDemocracy/TheMayor/PublishingImages/coat-of-arms.jpg] [b][u]Vassals[/b][/u] [img=http://i.imgur.com/J19GTJ2.png] [ The crest of House Westfield: two golden bends over a field of bright green. It is meant to be lines of wheat crossing diagonally over a green field, to symbolize the fertility of their lands. Their motto is 'Fields Ever Full.' ] House Westfield used to be a House of Knights from Westfield. They were one of the many Houses that fought against the Overlord, but when the going looked to be in favour of House Trisch, the quickly turned coat, and fought for them. They were rewarded with a vast swath of land, formerly belonging to Houses that had resisted the Overlord, killed to the man, woman, and child. The Westfields were no fools, and took this for the subtle hint that it was. When the Lord of Attolia was given his title, House Westfield was placed under their vassalage, and have remained as such ever since. Lord Devan Westfield owns the fiefs of Westerfeld, Westchester, Wickerton, Derry, Gloushire, Sunfeld, Wheatfeld, and Oldenfeld. He is age 51, tall of height, heavy of weight, light of skin, gray of hair, and brown of eye. He has a distinctive potbelly that bulges over his hips. He is married to Lady Adelaide Westfield, age 50, born to House Aldran, the lordling house of Pelataria. He has four sons [ Brandon, age 32, Samuel, age 28, Duncan, age 26, and Donald, age 24 ] and two daughters [ Cecily, age 30, and Lila, age 18 ]. Brandon, Cecily, Samuel, and Duncan are married, but Donald's betrothed died before she came of legal age, and Lila is yet unspoken for. Lord Devan is, and always has been a jolly man. His only want in life is to enjoy feasting, tourneys, and sports. But he is no debased man, for he has attended each sermon his castle has held, and has never lied with nor loved any women but his wife. His service to you has been exemplary, especially in battle, where he has distinguished himself on numerous occasions. His management of his fiefs, however, leaves much to be desired, for to say it is lackadaisical would be putting it lightly. Your stewards have occasionally noted the complete lack of record-keeping concerning owed rents, as the only way to know payment by his tenants was made at all was by the additions of goods to their manor's pantry, cellar, and stores. Signs of disrepair in his keep and in the infrastructure of his land go without acknowledgement. His wife, eldest daughter, and three eldest sons, particularly Brandon, take after him in many ways, but Donald is more reserved. He spends a great deal of time in the library and chapel, reading on theology, philosophy, and the sciences. But he is far from shy, as he has a sharp word at the ready for whenever one of his kin speaks to him. Lila was born to the Lord relatively late in his life, and she indeed stands out for her light red hair, fair skin, and freckles, traits her maternal grandmother possessed. Though she is a pretty, soft-spoken, and friendly girl, there are rumours in court that she is a secret slut, laying with hedge knights, stable boys, courtiers, and visiting nobles alike. Her father vehemently denies these accusations, insisting they are pathetic rumours born of unspoken lust, meant to make his pious, chaste daughter less desirable as a marriage partner. [u][b]Fiefs[/b][/u] [b]Westerfeld[/b] Fair [ 17,986 pop. (15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Stone Manor Stone Walls Military Bailey Watchtower Messenger Post [b]Westchester[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop., 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Wickerton[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop, 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Derry[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop., 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Gloushire[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop., 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Sunfeld[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop., 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Wheatfeld[/b] Fair [ 15,870 pop., 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Oldenfeld[/b] Fair [ 16,928 pop. ( 15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure ), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Stone Manor Stone Walls [u][b]Military[/b][/u] 350 Knights [ Plate Armour, Lance, Longsword, Horse, Horse Armour ] 1,000 Horsemen [ Leather Armour, Spear, Shortsword, Horse ] 2,470 Spearmen [ Leather Armour, Spear ] 800 Swordsmen [ Mail Armour, Longsword ] 700 Crossbowmen [ Leather Armour, Crossbow, Shortsword ] [b][u]Lordship Receipts[/u][/b] Total Population: 130,134 [ 17,986 from Westerfeld, 15,870 from Westchester, 15,870 from Wickerton, 15,870 from Derry, 15,870 from Gloushire, 15,870 from Sunfeld, 15,870 from Wheatfeld, 16,928 from Oldenfeld ] Population in Towns: 0 Crops per Annum: 599,016 [ 130,134 * 4.6 = 598,616, +400 from infrastructure ] Crop Stockpile: 670,400 Total Growth Bonus: 5.8% Income per Annum: 138,134 bullis [ 130,134 from taxation, 7,000 from resources, 1,000 from infrastructure ] Current Treasury: 220,000 bullis --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/wNRJLFe.png] [ The crest of House Abel: a salient red wolf over a field of bright green, symbolizing the might and just nature of its house. Their motto is 'The Shepherd's Wolf.' ] House Abel was a knightly House from Abel. Unlike House Westfield, however, they never resisted the Overlord, and in fact fought against the Westfields and other opponents of the Overlord. However, despite their loyal service, the Westfields were given more land, as it was believed they had contributed more to the fighting. This was true, but it angered the Abels all the same. They hold a bitter grudge against the Westfields to this day, with the reasons for just what right-bastards they are changing every generation. Lady Carol of Abel is the lady of Abelwood, Aftfield, Suthwood, Cornwyll, Northfeld, and Suthfeld. She is age 40, tall of height and weight, pale of complexion, dark brown of curly hair, and brown of eye. She is married to Sir Donovan Batch, age 34, born to a knightly house under House Westfield. She has one son [ Ricwyn, age 20 ] and one daughter [ Elizabeth, age 17 ]. Ricwyn is unmarried, but Elizabeth is married to Luccio Hastings, whom she has borne a daughter with [ Milly, age 0 ]. Lady Carol is possessed of a furious temperament. She is a fierce fighter, skilled tactician, and accomplished diplomat. She had requested many times that her father ignore agnatic succession, that she might inherit, but he denied her each time. After his assassination, Lady Carol was accused by her brutish brother, Logan, over the question of inheritance. As Logan was not widely liked, the duel was allowed to proceed without interruption. Even when fighting honourably, refusing to take advantage of Logan being disarmed multiple times, she was still able to stab him through the heart, and win the duel. Her son, Ricwyn, takes after his mother in numerous ways, but has a much more even temper, able to appear level-headed and calm no matter the circumstance. Her daughter, however, is a very passionate girl, who spends most of her days listening to stories, gossiping, and listening to knights tell tales of their conquests in tourneys. Lady Carol seems loyal to you, and likely to listen to most demands you make of her, so long as they do insinuate insult. [u][b]Fiefs[/b][/u] [b]Abelwood[/b] Scrubland [ 6,180 pop. ( 3,000 from fief, 3,000 from infrastructure ), 4.2 crops per person, +.3% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Advanced Infrastructure [ +3,000 starting pop., +1,500 bullis, +600 crops, +.2% growth ] Stone Manor Stone Walls Military Bailey Watchtower [b]Aftfeld[/b] Infertile [ 7,210 pop., 4.4 crops per person, +.5% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Suthwood[/b] Scrubland [ 3,090 pop., 4.2 crops per person, +.3% growth ] Sparse Resources [ +3,000 bullis ] Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Cornwyll[/b] Infertile [ 7,210 pop., 4.4 crops per person, +.5% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Northfeld[/b] Infertile [ 7,210 pop., 4.4 crops per person, +.5% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Suthfeld[/b] Infertile [ 7,210 pop., 4.4 crops per person, +.5% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [u][b]Military[/b][/u] 1,000 Spearmen [ Leather Armour, Spear ] 500 Axemen [ Leather Armour, Axe ] 500 Longbowmen [ Leather Armour, Longbow, Dagger ] 400 Horsemen [ Leather Armour, Spear, Shortsword, Horse ] 200 Horse Archers [ Leather Armour, Bow, Sabre, Horse ] [u][b]Lordship Receipts[/b][/u] Total Population: 38,110 [ 6,180 from Abelwood, 7,210 from Aftfeld, 3,090 from Suthwood, 7,210 from Cornwyll, 7,210 from Northfeld, 7,210 from Suthfeld, 3,979 from Everfallow ] Population in Towns: 0 Crops per Annum: 183,141 [ 13,249 * 4.2 = 55,645, 28,840 * 4.4 = 126,896, +600 from infrastructure ] Crop Stockpile: 133,111 Total Growth Bonus: 3% Income per Annum: 62,089 bullis [ 38,110 from taxation, 17,000 from resources, 3,000 from infrastructure ] Current Treasury: 62,900 bullis[/hider]