[hider=Kingdom of Diritania ( Lands of House Vearin )] [img=http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s363/Bikriki/Vearin-CoatofArms_zpsef417960.png] Name of Lady: Lady Fiona Vearin Fiefs: Diratania - 14 Points Fertility: Fair (4 Points) Population: 13,652 (12900 peasants, 100 soldiers, 5000 in Veara) Resources: Sparse Resources (1 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Great Manor (3 Points), Great Wall (4 Points), Bailey, Workshop Upper Norainne – 10 Points Fertility: Infertile (2 Points) Population: 9,494 (500 soldiers) Resources: Abundant Resources (2 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Stone Manor (2 Points), Wooden Wall (2 Points), Military Bailey, Training Grounds Lower Norainne – 12 Points Fertility: Fair (4 Points) Population: 18,410 Resources: Sparse Resources (1 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Stone Manor (2 Points), Stone Wall (3 Points) Nicland – 9 Points Fertiliy: Fair (4 Points) Population: 18,936 Resources: Resourceless (0 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Stone Manor (2 Points), Wooden Palisade (1 Points) Ardennia - 10 Points Fertility: Fair (4 Points) Population: 18,936 Resources: Sparse Resources (1 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Fortified Manor (1 Points), Wooden Wall (2 Points) Novumsland - 8 Points Fertiliy: Fair (4 Points) Population: 18,936 Resources: Resourceless (0 Points) Infrastructure: Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) Manor: Fortified Manor (1 Points), Wooden Pallisade (1 Points) Towns: Veara - 17 Points Population: 5,260 (4 Points) Wealth Level: Fair (8 Points) Fief: Diratania Buildings: Dens of Debauchery Bellaudi – 20 Points Population: 7,364 (6 Points) Wealth Level: Fair (8 Points) Fief: Lower Norainne Total Points Spent on Towns and Fiefs: 99 Military: Veara Guard 80 Spearmen (Leather Armor, Spear) 20 Bowmen (No Armor, Bow, Dagger) Upkeep per Season: 320 Bulli Bellaudi Guard 80 Spearmen (Leather Armor, Spear) 20 Bowmen (No Armor, Bow, Dagger) Upkeep per Season: 320 Bulli Royal Court: Fiona Vearin Lord – 20 Years Ekbarte of Nicland Representative – 48 Years Donald Vearin (2 Points) Spouse – 26 Years Elena Vearin (3 Points) Sister – 16 Years Karin Vearin (2 Points) Sister – 10 Years Martin Vearin (4 Points) Uncle – 37 Years Garret Siebert (4 Points) Courtier – 30 Years Antony of Novumsland (3 Points) Courtier – 21 Years Phillip of Bellaudi (4 Points) Courtier – 32 Years Optional Concerns: - Original Receipts: Total Population: 104,150 Population in Country: 98,388 Population Members of the Military: 200 Population Living in Towns: 12,624 Crops Produced per Annum: 405180 (+3600) Crop Stockpile: 315,530 Total Growth Bonus: 5.2 % Income per Annum: 188,514 Bulli [ 98,338 from taxation, 28,000 from resources, 9,000 from infrastructure, 50,496 from town tax, 2,630 from Dens of Debauchery in Veara, 181,476 with Veara and Belladu guards raised ] [ 35,644 in tariffs from Belladui in AU 107; 35,011 in tariffs from Veara in AU 107 ] Current Treasury: 135,835 Bulli House History House Vearin became significant when Nicolas I, Fiona's grandfather, married the daughter of the then-king Phillip II. Or rather, they became significant when the actual heir, Prince Pippin died in a suspicious drowning accident, and Nicolas thus was declared heir to the throne by Phillip. Fortunately for Nicolas, Pippin has been a slow and unpopular child, which allowed Nicolas to descend the throne without many people asking about Pippin's odd death. In a cruel twist of fate, Fiona's father, King Domnall, drowned after the untimely death of his beloved wife after a quite bad case of fever. Some tongues claim that he killed himself in sorrow, but Fiona makes sure that the official version speaks of an unfortunate accident. Now that her father has died, Fiona has recently gained the crown and with it, massive expectations of everyone in Diratania. Nonetheless, she is confident that she can manage to keep her country strong in spite of all nay-sayers. [b][u]Vassals[/u][/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/vJZjRQV.png] [ The crest of House Barleycorn; a garb of wheat over a red field. It is meant to symbolize the fertility of their lands, as well as the strong bonds of loyalty between its members. Their motto is 'Us Every One, A Stalk In The Garb.' ] Lord Jon II Barleycorn is lord of Goldenfields, Stalkfields, Graining, Millerton, Bitterfields, and Brewhall. He is age 20, average of height and weight, pale of complexion, red of hair, and green of eye. He is married to Lady Betta, age 18, born to House Bitterbrew, which has recently been made defunct through their marriage agreement. They have no children. Jon has no silbings, but Betta has one younger sister [ Eliza, age 11 ]. The Barleycorns have never truly had humble beginnings; so far can their line be traced back, that even centuries ago, it seems their ancestors were local reeds, or men appointed with grants of land to sub-administer for their lord. Like many, they opposed the Unification, and were ultimately defeated, being placed under the vassalage of House Vearin. But the longest and most hated enemy was not the Overlord, but the Bitterbrews, whom they had shared an intense rivalry. Jon II's late father, Kent, had declared war on the Bitterbrews after decades of blood feuding, a rivalry that, while felt bitterly by most members of either House, did not concern a signifigant amount of people at either court. In the final battle of their war, both Lords of the Houses were slain, leaving Jon to inherit House Barleycorn, and Eliza to inherit House Bitterbrew. Neither shared particular zeal for the fued, and as the Bitterbrews were losing, Eliza offered her hand in marriage, and a union between their Houses, that the bloodshed might cease. Jon was more than happy to see an end to the fighting, though he wasn't sure what to make of his new wife. The two have managed to repair most the war's damage, and now attempt to rule their lands as best as they can. Though there is still a divide between the Barleycorns and Bitterbrews, the sight of their two heads being married has made many reconsider the fued. [b][u]Fiefs[/u][/b] [b]Goldenfields[/b] Fair [ 16,902 people (15,000 from fief, 3,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Advanced Infrastructure [ +3,000 starting pop., +1,500 bullis, +600 crops, +.2% growth ] Stone Manor Stone Walls Bailey [b]Stalkfields[/b] Fair [ 16,800 people (15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Sparse Resources[ +3,000 bullis ] Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Graining[/b] Fair [ 16,800 people (15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Sparse Resources [ +3,000 bullis ] Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Millerton[/b] Fair [ 16,800 people (15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Sparse Resources [ +3,000 bullis ] Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Bitterfields[/b] Fair [ 16,800 people (15,000 from fief, 1,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Improved Infrastructure [ +1,000 starting pop., +500 bullis, +200 crops, +.1% growth ] Fortified Manor Wooden Walls [b]Brew Hall[/b] Fair [ 18,900 people (15,000 from fief, 3,000 from infrastructure), 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Advanced Infrastructure [ +3,000 starting pop., +1,500 bullis, +600 crops, +.2% growth ] Fortified Manor Stone Walls Military Bailey Training Grounds [b][u]Military[/u][/b] 500 Knights [ Plate Armour, Lance, Longsword, Horse, Horse Armour ] 1,000 Horsemen [ Leather Armour, Spear, Shortsword, Horse ] 2,020 Spearmen [ Leather Armour, Spear ] 1,500 Longbowmen [ Leather Armour, Longbow, Shortsword ] 10 Ladders 5 Battering Rams 60 Trebuchets {37,630} [b][u]Lordship Receipts[/u][/b] Total Population: 103,002 [ 16,902 from Goldenfields, 16,800 from Stalkfields, 16,800 from Graining, 16,800 from Millerton, 16,800 from Bitterfields, 18,900 from Brew Hall ] Population Living in Towns: 0 Crops Produced per Annum: 475,809 [ 103,002 * 4.6 = 473,809, +2,000 from infrastructure ] Crop Stockpile: 414,150 Total Growth Bonus: 5% Income per Annum: 133,998 bullis [ 103,002 from taxation, 30,000 from resources, 5,000 from infrastructure ] Current Treasury: 59,338 bullis --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/KUJVUZS.png] [ The crest of House Stoat; a stoat standing salient over a green-brown field. It is meant to symbolize the most well-known creature of their lands. Their motto is 'We Stand Firm.' ] Lord Ulric Stoat is the lord of Stoatwood, Darting, Loring, Babblebrook, and Hookcross. He is age 49, short of height, average of weight, light of complexion, balding of brown hair, and brown of eye. He is married to Lady Stella, age 44, born to House Bitterbrew, a House now joined with the Barleycorns. Stella is the aunt of its current Lady. Ulric has three sons [ Fergus, age 24, Ranald, age 22, Laurence, age 20 ] and two daughters [ Mildred, age 28, Fiona, age 26 ]. Mildred, Fiona, and Fergus are spoken for, but Ranald and Laurence are unmarried. Ulric has two younger brothers [ Edwin, age 47, John, age 43 ], both of whom are married, and with children of their own. House Stoat has been the guardians of their idyllic woodland for generations. It is hard to exactly pin when they came into prominence, but it is clear that they have defended their lands for centuries, their borders having changed so little over the years, that very accurate maps exist of their entire provenences, dating back well over a century. Like many, House Stoat fought against the Overlord, only to be brought to its knees, and placed under vassalage of House Vearin. It is perhaps worthy to note that not even in this defeat was any land taken from them. Lord Ulric himself is a dour and mean man, proud of his House and family, while not having any warm feelings to any of their members personally. He and is wife are the quinessential old couple, constantly bickering over every little thing, making all around them wonder how they've managed to stay together for as long as they have, or how they came to be in the first place. Fergus, the heir to the House, was married to a Barleycorn Knight's daughter just two years ago, and they have already bore a son. Fergus himself is decidedly more warm than his father; he seems very understanding of everyone's plight, and is willing to help any just cause, but his justice is also tough. He is quite the handsome lad as well, and no stranger to the tourneys. Ranald, meanwhile, could be mistaken for a bastard in comparison. He seems to drink from sunrise to sundown, and does little but lock himself away in his room to read books. Lord only knows how he manages to comprehend what he's reading, but he claims he can't think clearly without a glass or two of the good stuff. Ulric has all but decided to send him to the clergy in Bernwick. Laurence, the youngest son, is a shy and scrawny lad. He looks as though he might faint anytime someone says hello, and spends much of his time in the woods alone, playing with the animals. In this regard, he is seen as childish, and Ulric is struggling to send him on a useful path in life. Mildred is a very stern, bossy, and stubborn woman, who seems to enjoy argument just for the sake of argument. Though voluptuous, her husband has long gotten tired of her. As the two have already born a son and daughter, she feels her contract with him is complete, and doesn't even pretend to hide her disdain of him. She spends most of her time redecorating the castle, constantly thinking of new ways to make it look better, much to the chagrin of Ulric. Fiona is her polar opposite: kind, gentle, quiet, shy, and softspoken, she spends most her days taking care of her children personally, and knitting emboridery, or tending to the Castle gardens. Her jolly husband loves her as much as life itself, and the two love each other dearly. Edwin and John act as administrators in minor tasks that Ulric cannot attend to, and are capable of command should the need ever arise. They are not jealous of their brother's claim to the land, and are far enough down the line of succesion, that they care little about it any more. Both men are quite hardy and stubborn, and while not the brightest of men, are diligent enough that they can accomplish most tasks they put their mind to. [b][u]Fiefs[/u][/b] [b]Stoatwood[/b] Infertile [ 9,582 pop. ( 7,000 from fief, 3,000 from infrastructure ), 4.4 crops per person, +.5% growth ] Some Resources [ +7,000 bullis ] Advanced Infrastructure [ +3,000 starting pop., +1,500 bullis, +600 crops, +.2% growth ] Fortified Manor Stone Walls Military Bailey [b]Darting[/b] Fair [ 15,525 people, 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Wooden Manor Wooden Palisade [b]Loring[/b] Fair [ 15,525 people, 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructre Wooden Manor Wooden Palisade [b]Babblebrook[/b] Fair [ 15,525 people, 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Wooden Manor Wooden Palisade [b]Hookcross[/b] Fair [ 15,525 people, 4.6 crops per person, +.7% growth ] Resourceless Basic Infrastructure Wooden Manor Wooden Palisade [b][u]Military[/u][/b] 1,400 Sheildwallman [ Leather Armour, Spear, Javelin ] 900 Longbowmen [ Leather Armour, Longbow, Shortsword ] 10 Ladders 60 Ballista 30 Trebuchets {15,990} [b][u]Lordship Receipts[/u][/b] Total Population: 71,682 [ 9,582 from Stoatwood, 15,525 from Darting, 15,525 from Loring, 15,525 from Babblebrook, 15,525 from Hookcross ] Population Living in Towns: 0 Crops Produced per Annum: 328,420 [ 9,582 * 4.4 = 42,160, 62,100 * 4.6 = 285,660, +600 from infrastructure ] Crop Stockpile: 277,940 Total Growth Bonus: 3.5% Income per Annum: 80,182 bullis [ 71,682 from taxation, +7,000 from resources, +1,500 from infrastructure ] Current Treasury: 104,420 bullis[/hider]