And that's the last one until Nex finishes his sheet. Will now make any necessary corrections/edits here, so don't be shocked if you see your sheet change. I will, of course, ask permission and/or inform you of any inconsistencies. During this season, there will likely be a lot of sheet changes, but after this, there won't be any, even if your sheet is flawed. EDIT: Jiwon, your crops were off, because you included your town pop. Fix't it for you, and subtracted the pop. from the fief of Attolia. EDIT: ulsterwarrior, you're not here right now, but your fief populations were off, and you factored in your towns to your crop production. Towns do not produce crops, and are meant to be long-term wealth-gainers. You need to be producing nearly double the crops you are now, or your people will be starving by the end of the Growing season. I can kajigger it so your people can be self-sustaining, but perhaps you were intending to just go raiding for all your crop needs, or otherwise just buy them. Are the latter what you had in mind? EDIT: Bikriki, you actually under-did your crops, but I fix't it for 'ya. Everything else is good, so nice job! EDIT: Outcast, you also underdid most of your things. The only thing you overdid was your crop surplus, which is a little over 15,000. I suspect everything was actually completely correct before you turned your scrubland fiefs in Infertile fiefs. Anyway, you're all good now.