Azelius wakes up and then rises from his bed, yawning with arms outstretched while sitting up. He rubs his eyes and gets up out of the bed. In his left corner is his bag and spare clothing, the latter of which he puts on. Afterward, he opens his bag and within it is his gauntlet, which long became a trademark of his in some circles. He takes it and wears the weapon on his left hand, then closes the bag, taking it with him as he gets out of his room. Azelius runs downstairs and finds the inn empty. At first, he's somewhat puzzled, but a moment later he merely shrugs without giving it a second thought, and bolts out through the exit door. Now outside, he witnesses several panicking people running towards him. Azelius avoids the screaming masses with well-timed sidesteps, then moves towards the direction they are fleeing from while easily moving through the tide of people. After running his way past the crowd, Azelius finally sees what the big deal is. A dead body lying on the ground, its blood staining the pavement. A man, presumably the culprit, threatening a black haired woman at swordpoint, the tip of his blade almost caressing her throat. Six others are gathered around the area as well, five of them confronting the murderer and the other blissfully unaware of the scene before him. They certainly have this handled, he thinks, but he isn't about to back away from the show just yet. Azelius can't afford to pass up on morning entertainment.