Flooby; from what I read, I need to pay bullis for setting patrols? Personally I think I need only pay for any patrols of soldiers not a part of my Outposts or Forts, seeing as they are always prepared for times of war, they already receive their payments for being battle ready (Sure, I have troops ready for defense in all my other fiefs, but that's like comparing hometown soldiers to frontline soldiers. Hometown don't really see war or fighting if at all, more relaxed, less stressed, time for having a life, where as the soldiers at the forts and outposts... don't exactly get a life.) (There's more to this, but that's for another time). Besides, the Forts and Outposts are already small. taking men from there and putting them on patrol isn't some huge benefit... I'm making it so there are less men defending the Forts and Outposts. Edit: Flooby, can you give me a price estimate of how much it will cost to build all those great wall walls on the island? I don't mean for the fief, this is for the entire island.