So yes, hello everyone again, same old dimitri here looking for partners again. If we had a rp going before the site went haywire, do PM me! I don't have many rules regarding my roleplays; just the usual, good spelling, grammar, literacy, and so on. I'm a quality-over-quantity believer but I do wish to roleplay High-Cas at the very least. That means I'd appreciate a minimum of 2 paragraphs per reply. I do all pairings (MxF, FxF, MxM, with a bias towards gay pairings, given i've done enough hetero to fill up a library) and I can do non-romantic roleplays too. I do not have limits regarding violence, sexual content or language, so I'd appreciate if you told me if you have any, and I shall respect that. One thing I need to point out is that if you're one of the "I only roleplay males" or "I only roleplay females" people, please don't contact me. Genre-wise, I enjoy modern, fantasy, medieval, or a mixture of those. Been craving some modern fantasy lately. I don't usually do historic, ultra-realistic or heavy sci-fi stuff. Here's a list of pairings I'd be up for currently: * = plot Werewolf x Vampire * Demon x Angel * Human x Any supernatural creature (Vampire, Demon, etc) Assassin x Target Protector x Protected * Cyborg x Human * Feel free to ask about anything else; I'm not super picky c: I have a few ideas for non-romantic roleplays too. For those, just throw a PM my way. Lastly, here's a list of fandoms I'm in, for those interested! Again, feel free to ask if something you like is not listed, chances are I haven't listed every single thing I've ever seen. Note that for pairings in fandoms I will only do CanonxCanon, or OCxOC. That means no CanonxOC. Games Dragon Age Pokemon DRAMAtical Murder TV Shows & Movies Sherlock BBC (No Johnlock please, sorry!) LoTR/Hobbit Harry Potter Probably most Disney/Dreamworks stuff Anime/Manga Attack on Titan Free! Kuroko no Basuke Durarara!! Karneval KHR No. 6 NGE Angel Beats! Blue Exorcist Darker Than Black Psycho Pass K Tiger & Bunny Ano Hana and many more