A light rain fell over the city as Lysander exited Blood Moon Tavern. He pulled his hood over his head once more and glanced around before starting down the cobbled street back towards the Guild. It had been less than twelve hours since the last assassin had accosted him, but he still felt nervous at the sense of peace the morning had presented him. Nevertheless, he treated every passing stranger with wary contempt and quickened his pace as he made his way back to the Guild. He breathed a sigh of relief as he arrived outside the heavy gate to the courtyard. Without bothering to look back he pulled it open, stepped inside and closed it tightly behind him. The courtyard was less populated than it had been when he had arrived the previous day, but there were still several hedge knights sparring and clerks strolling the grounds. Lysander gave each of them no more trust than he had the streetwalkers. The only person he could trust in the Guild was the green-haired girl he had met the previous day, and she was nowhere to be seen. He crossed the grassy space to the Oculus Headquarters and proceeded up the stairs to the room where he had slept the previous night. Vesper and her owl had already left, as the wrinkled sheets indicated. Lysander had gathered his weapons before he set out for the tavern, but he'd left his bag beside the bed. He knelt beside it and examined the opening. The piece of string he had slipped halfway inside it had not been disturbed, indicating that no one had searched his belongings. He slung the bag over his shoulder, tidied the bed, and walked back out of the headquarters. The Guild Dormitories building was just across the courtyard, a tall and wide building with a single entrance and many windows. Lysander proceeded to it and walked inside. Immediately, he was greeted by the Headmaster, who walked briskly to meet him. "Ah, good to see you, Mr...?" the Headmaster began. The previous night they had not formally exchanged greetings. "You can call me Grey." Lysander replied. He glanced over his shoulder. The hallway was littered with roving mercenaries and busy clerks. He constantly monitored his surroundings; the crowded space made him uncomfortable. "Ah yes, of course. Well, Grey, or Mr. Grey or whatever you please, my clerks have found you a suitable living space in the Dormitories. If you would be so kind as to follow me..." Lysander nodded, and the Headmaster spoke as they walked. "This will be your permanent resident within the Guild. You can feel free to store your belongings, weapons, clothing, and generally any of your possessions here. The building is under close guard." Lysander felt more at ease hearing this, but not entirely comfortable with letting down his guard. After climbing a set of stairs and walking down another hallway, the Headmaster stopped outside a door. "This is the room we found for you. We intend to direct Vesper here as well, unless she wants otherwise. The room has four beds, so if you should form a mark-hunting party at some point you'll have space within the Guild. Make yourself comfortable. Unless you have any other questions, I'll take my leave. Find me tomorrow for your first mark, if you're ready. Good luck, and good night." The headmaster bowed and walked back down the hallway, leaving Lysander alone in front of the room.