"Shall we play a game, dog?" Her voice was smooth and easy to listen too, but it didn't change the fact that Andreios utterly and truly hated that woman. His dark blue eyes were narrowed at her as she continued to smirk. "The game is called, 'What does the little dog know really?' It's simply, I will ask about you, and you answer me. Easy? Ha, you'll see the point soon enough pup. What did your mother look like?" Andreios stared at the woman with a look of complete confusion. "What?" "What did she look like? Better yet, what was her name." The man knew this... he could recall her... couldn't he. She was there, wasn't she? She was a slave, like him... but he couldn't find one memory of her to confirm it. In fact... his childhood seemed all a blur. "I... I don't remember..." He was shock to say those words but they were completely true. "Correct little dog. Now, tell me why James was so interested in you? Why he chose you above all his other little pets. You don't do you. Well think about that. Do you even remember anything before he made you what you are? No. Now think, really think, do you think Ava will remember either?" The woman chuckled as the door creeped opened and a servent peeked in shyly. "Her lady ship wished to be escorted to her mother's today." Sandra snarled at the woman, causing the poor maid to recoil back, "Her lady is to stay home. Orders of the master." Her voice was sharp, like a knife pointed at a throat. The maid's throat to be specific. "And Andreios is to stay here. He has misbehaved so he needs to be---" She was cut off. "He is to protect Ava, is he not." It was the voice of James. Andreios felt the blood drained from his body. How silly... that. that man scared him so... "As long as Ava is back by lunch there is no problem." His master eyed him cooly, as to say, you will bring her back or she is dead. Sandra seemed displeased, but he kept her thin lips tightly shut and only nodded. James then looked to his slave. Andreios could barely stand the gaze, he fought his instinct to lung and kill the man where he stood. He knew he could do nothing... "I will go to her then." He said stiffly, his eyes never leaving his master's until he strode past him, following the maid to Ava's room.