[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/wb2xht.jpg[/img][/center] It was a shame that Marcos wouldn't be coming along, but the life of a pirate wouldn't be without its hardships, and after all their new friend had endured, a nice break from it all would be for the best. Nolan wished the man luck. The night was filled with pleasant surprises. The queen took him to the kitchen and gave him all sorts of expensive goods. He was a bit hesitant, but they insisted and he couldn't refuse. Ah, the rest of the crew would appreciate all this come meal time. "Thank you very much for everything," he gave a bow before they said it was no big deal and ushered him back into the main room. Everything about the evening was lovely and in a way it made him miss his family and Annie. Ha, if only he could make it up to her with a dance when he returned home. Nolan ate to his heart's content then watched as some of his friends began dancing. If he had never left home, he would never had experienced anything like this. They had saved a town and it had been amazing, though a part of him felt rotten about the man he had shot. For once, he decided to get drunk. Most of the time, Nolan would have been the sober one, but he wanted to get his mind off things so after three bottles of rum, he was wasted. The man's tolerance for alcohol was no where near as high as Luro's. The drunk Nolan shuffled towards the drinking contest that was taking place between Luro and some guy and he raised his glass cheerfully before tapping his friend on the back. "Heh! Thish guy 'ere is gunna blow yah away." He was red in the face and grinning from ear to ear. "Show 'em whatchu got there Luro!" And with that he crashed into the nearest chair and began cheering. The rest of the evening was pretty much a blur, but near the end he recalled the captain leaving and a couple of chefs showing him to his room. As soon as his head hit the pillow, Nolan fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.