[Center]Emilly MacTavish- New Orleans - Abandoned Building - Turisa[/center] I could barely form a single coherent thought anymore as I was on the cusp of passing out when I felt gentle hands pull me up of the floor and my inhaler found it's way to my lips. Almost instinctively my hand reached out and wrapped around the hand already holding the inhaler as I released a dose of medicine into my lungs. I could almost instantly feel a wave of relief wash over me as I felt my throat open up and air flow into my lungs clearly, so I took another dose. Again I felt the wave of relief wash over me as my lungs started to work again. Another hit and I started to regain control of my breathing. Unable to see and still unaware of my surroundings I managed rasp out through rapid breath's "Dad?" When my vision finally cleared up I looked up above me to see a pretty young Latin women staring down at me. I blinked several times unable to think of anything other then who is this woman. I tried to sit up and pull away from her but my body fought back against me, still reeling from the asthma attack. Where was my father? Who was she? Where was I? My thought's quickly spiraled as I began to panic rather obviously unsure of what to do. Finally I couldn't stay silent any longer as my voice came out low and quiet. [center]"Who are you? And where's my dad?[/center]