A lone arrow soared through the air and made a humble [i]SHUNK![/i] sound as it pinned itself to the tree it was targeted to, as well as the body of a lone squirrel. The archer which the arrow had sprung from smiled from 'neath their hood and let loose a relaxed sigh. Food would be plentiful for tonight without needed to spare the coin. The hooded archer made their way down the ravine where the arrow was pinned to slice the squirrels body free from its shaft. With the squirrel collected, the archer set their sights west, were a small village rested. So this was the place, the town that housed the Heros monument. After taking in a breath and pulling down their hood, the archer, clad in their skirt, breastplate and quiver brimming with arrows set forth to the village. Leather clad soles softly padded the fallen leaves, and the wind tousled the thin feminine braid bouncing against the archers back. At last, their small journey had come to an end. The guards eyed the archer with a cheshires glean as they passed through the gates. A small group of heroic looking teens not too far from the archers age congregated near, drawing in the stealthy hero in curiosity. "Pardon," The archer began, shell pink lips turning up in a smile. "Is this a hunting party gathering? I'd be more than happy to help out in exchange for coin."