Danny was sat down at the table, a load of food set in front on her. She did her best to try everything, taking small bits here and there. She couldn't pack away nearly as much as ray or luro could, but she didn't want to miss any of the new tastes she was experiencing. "This is all so good!" She said around the food in her mouth, bouncing where she sat. "This is so good I mean I've never had any of this stuff! Like whats shrimp? Who knows? Does it fly? It looks like a bug. And this stuff its dipped in. My lordy that dip. I love dip as it is, but the stuff at home pales in comparison to that! I could drink it its so good!" She stopped talking, returning to stuffing her face. She soon was full past capacity, having eaten nearly everything put in front of her. She groaned softly, rubbing her stomach and resting her chin on the table. She was utterly content, knowing she could dance some of the food off and then come back for more. And then she was told the crew could take some of it with them. Danny's day could not have been made better. Catching glimpse of the captain dancing, Danny bounded up, joining her energetically. It wasn't long before danny was back in her seat, standing on her knees to pour a golden liquid into her glass. Sipping from it, she blinked, running her tongue through her teeth. It tasted like a better version of what she had taken a swig from Luro earlier that day. She still didn't particularly like it, but She kept drinking it, not wanting to look rude. Danny downed it as fast as possible, shivering when she finished. "Bleehh~! Weird taste." She stated, reacing for more food. She distracted by Luro, however, and she wandered over to the group around him and another man. She didn't completly understand the point of the game, but she cheered anyways, clapping and jumping where she was. The crowd's energy was contagious, and Danny's energy fed back into the crowd. It was a neverending circle of energetic cheering. As the party died down, so did Danny. She stopped getting up to join the dancing, and really stopped everything but talking, which she did with anyone beside her, the last one being a red haired soldier. "So I used the grenade. Blew up the dock." "That was silly. Docks are useful." Danny giggled, her words slightly slurred. Weather it was from any alcohol she had consumed or just tiredness, it was hard to tell. "Yeah, well. I think it all worked out well in the end." "If you think so..." She yawned, her eyes drooping. The soldier smirked, standing up. "Your cook is down and out, I think. Drank too much. I'll bring him to a room and then return to show you to a room of your own." Danny waved pathetically as he walked away, laying her head on the table, her arms under her ear. "Naw, man. M' cool. I'll show merself to a room. I gots it, no problm'. Just gonna rest here a while, is all." She said slowly, unaware that she was still speaking. The remaning din of the party started to fade, still present but dulled, even more in the background. The tiny girl was asleep, arms under her head on the table, her foot curled under her on the chair.