Iris nodded, balling his hands into fists with a somewhat frightened look. It was then that he calmed down, finished his meal, and went with his Master to meet with the Priests. When they had arrived, Isis wasted no time to be seated, after shutting the door behind the others. He was always nervous when it came to meeting new people, especially ones of 'higher status', but he remained calm. He watched Master Lao talking and waited patiently, keeping his hands on his knee's, and his eyes on the Master and Priests. Inside his mind, he thought, "[i]I wonder when I will be ready for the Mark of Mastery...[/i]", but he was quick to brush this thought away when the Priest began to question him and the others. Clearing his throat, Isis looked at them directly and smiled, "My name is Iris and I was born here on Old Bastion. I was taken to Master Lao by a robed figure...and ever since the Master has taken care of me." His smile kept, even if it was a little forced. The thought of what happened to his family was a bit much for him to say, but he tried his best to keep strong.