Amy looked at Ariel after fixing her bandages on her arm and pulling her sleeve back down so they could not see it. "Sorry Ariel I guess I am so used to hiding my past for my past always resurface with me nothing but a painful past." She said to Ariel as she held her arm a little just wanting it all to go away forever. 'thanks for looking out for me but I am not ready to talk about I don't know when I will ever be ready to talk about it." She said to Ariel before she saw Philip walk out and saw him in his PJs for that was a first for her. When he asked if she was in rouble she shook her head. "No I am fine we were just discussing on what to do with the yard the storm really did a number our here." Amy said with a small smile before Ariel took him away to get dress then saw her wink and Amy did a tank you smile at her for she did not want Philip to feel worried or be a burden to him. She was just glad t have a job now, a roof over her head, and food in her stomach. While the two went off to get him dress Amy got to work on moving the broken branches to the side of the road for the city to take them and started raking the leaves of the walk way so it would be easy to walk down without slipping. She got it all taken care up and put to the side for now and went in to look over some stuff and get it taken care off on a list she likes to make for it helps keep her focus on what she needs to do and it helps her figure how long it would take to get them done during the day. Amy rubbed her head a little for she hoped she calcualated things alrightfor the place was huge and she had no clue how two maids where wereing to take care of this place there had to be 8 more maids here to take care of this whole place. After a while she decided to do a little baking for she liked it and thought she make something for dessert toight. She made a cake batter, backed it, once it cooled one out she crumbled it all up, rolled it into a ball, melted chocolate, white chocolate, used it as a glue for a stick, dipped them in and soon had cake pops made. "There I hope Ariel and Master Philip will like them for I think they are cute and fun to make." She said before writing a couple more things down.