"You're not the only one with a headache, mate" Kaiden responded to Quinn from across the room. He was slouched against the wall sitting with his knees up and apart, arms resting on his knees, head hanging for a moment. His face was concealed by his thick dark hair, until he raised his head, setting his blue eyes on Quinn with a narrowed glare, half formed out of discomfort and half out of frustration. Kaiden slowly lifted himself up off of the floor, staggering back a step and resting his back against the wall as he regained his balance. His head was spinning slightly and his vision was a bit distorted, although he could see the clarity slowly returning. He was drugged. It didn't take a genius to know what had happened to him. But everything else was a mystery at this point. He had been vaguely awake, listening to James make his announcement to the room. He couldn't believe the world had gone so far as to bring destruction on itself at such a rapid pace. He hadn't fathom experiencing this moment in his lifetime. He could not remember anything beyond waking up in this crowded room. He decided to look around to find more information as to where he was and what he was to do. Although James made it clear they were here together to put the world back together again...somehow. Looking down, Kaiden saw his hand had a wristband around it. It showed his personal information including name, age, height, weight and blood type. He then noticed the white sleeve and came to see he was wearing a white lab coat over dark jeans and a fitted black shirt. He worked here apparently. Perhaps he had been working here before they had been put in a 2 year stasis. 2 years. He couldn't believe he had been out for 2 years. When he saw James reach to touch the back of his neck, he curiously followed suite and ran his hand up along the back of his neck until he felt the thick band of skin folded in a straight line up his neck, a deep scar. He couldn't recall why he would choose to be here but obviously outside would be much worse at this moment. Kaiden just couldn't understand why he had been chosen to help. He was fit but no large physical threat, could not recall any martial, firearm or even technical skills. Why was he here? How could he possibly help? Kaiden looked around the room to the others, some waking, some already awake and moving to explore the area. Kaiden's eyes fell back to Quinn, the smoker. He stuck his hands in his pockets looking for anything of his own to spark his memory of before. All he found was a safety pin, a small blade, some change, and a clip wallet. In it was no ID but some money, what looked like an old key card and a laminated photo of an older woman, perhaps in her 50's. He stared at the woman and her soft smile, unsure who she was or why she was in his pocket. He put the picture back in the clip and stuffed it in to his jeans again. He would care about it later. Taking a deep breath Kaiden carefully walked forward. The more he moved, the faster he seemed to recover from whatever drug he was put under.