So we had this RP'er a while back who left the RP for reasons I cannot be arsed to remember, it had something to do that he tried to change everything we did because he thought that was better and all, and we didn't exactly agree or whatever. In any case, that doesn't matter. It was a big drama when he left the RP (Naruto the New Generation RP by the way) and there was a lot of swearing and insults most likely as it happened, the way it usually does *Rolls eyes* However, I just got this PM from an account that is 'incidentially' called 'Revanche' in which he actually fulfilled his claims that he would hack into our side-forum and some of our skype accounts just to prove his claims. I couldn't care less about him harbouring a grudge as he left, but what I do care about is that he actually went as far as to either hack into our personal accounts or persuade members of the RP to get the information he wanted (but due to the nature information he managed to aqcuire, that's nigh impossible) and attempted to spoil the RP and the plot for every participant in this RP. I find that behaviour simply childish. I won't copy the PM here since he added screencaps that may or may not be altered showing IP's and other stuffs like that, but I can link any moderator to the content of the PM (I'm no PC-geek so I'll just play it careful with privacy here) but if any forum moderator needs it I can quote it for you and I'll upload a screencap. Point is, I don't like him having found a way to what seems to be accessing security logs in our seperate forum JUST to harass us, likewise him having acces to skype conversations amongst GM's. He seems to try and cyber-bully us just for the sake of revenge as he points out in the PM, and I don't think that that's appropriate. I understand leaving a RP because you don't like the people in it, but to start hacking into their accounts just for the sake of revenge is just not something you do. Anyhow I'm going to advise everyone to ignore that PM and let you deal with it, but I'm a bit concerned about him having hacked into our back-up forum aswell.