Ariel gritted her teeth at the mocking tone Zendrea used to her. Within a heartbeat, Ariel was sitting right next to the demon, leaning dangerously close to her face. The tree beneath with which they were sitting on began to rapidly decay and break away. It was dying. Realizing what was happening, Sasha got up and frowned at the two of them. "You idiot!" She directed her call towards Zendrea. "What the hell are you doing? She can kill you right now if she wanted! Don't try and cheat Death! I should know...." The Angel of Death ignored Sasha's words as she gripped Zendrea's chin forcibly and brought her closer. Ariel's crimson eyes were wide with insanity and her lips curled up into a sneer. "Like the girl said...don't test me little demon. All things die...even you. It doesn't matter if you're cursed or not...I can still kill you!" She dug her nails into Zendrea's skin to emphasize her point. "Stay away from my Zendra," she hissed. "She's mine! Mine, mine, all mine! Release her now...I'm tired of you. I want to hear her voice....I said do it now." Death giggled softly as she brought up a finger to Zendrea's eyes. "Do it before I take those pretty little eyes of yours...give me my precious Zendra...."