[quote=Genkai]Now let's jump in... I'm quite surprised (in a good way I think) to see his Corrector appearance have non-human characteristics. Very cool, I think. Granted when say the horns get hit, it would translate to his ears getting hit in the real world, etc. Should I assume he is from America if he was raised as one? Or was he in Japan, just raised by say American parents who moved to Japan? I accepted an American character against my better judgement and well, it ended up being a dud so I'm really against accepting characters who are from overseas. It can make unnecessary barriers, be them cultural or language/upbringing wise. Since "Norse" influences him, I'd love to see how it plays into his development and mindset. You mention he's a bit violent by soft spoken/shy, but then also brave. Is there a change in him that occurs down the line, from say when he discovers tech to when he's at his present age? in terms of bringing your character in, it depends if you can change his origin a little, since as I mentioned, having characters from the same place is really going to keep everyone glued together. Now whether he's from another part of Japan and transferring, or if he's been with the group on/off for a while...can be decided. I think dealing with the bureaucracy will just get a bit taxing if we bring a non-native in, though the last option would be to bringing in someone who is, say, of European decent and on a year or two leave of absence from their duties in JPN while away, working with say another Gvn for a limited time.[/quote] While I was thinking about it on my own, I considered having him move to Japan alone at around 18 to attend colleges there... but if you prefer, I can certainly keep things simple and append his character sheet to say he was raised in Japan rather than America, as you said. As for your next point, while I believe that literally anyone can be brave, I still think I'll change "brave" to "poised" on his sheet. I just couldn't think of the word I wanted when I wrote him up. ^_^; However, I would like to mention that I never intended to imply that he's shy, because he's really not. While I did say he used to be very introverted, and implied that he can still be so on occasion, I never actually meant to say he's [i]shy[/i]. There's a slight difference between the two in that as shy person actually finds it difficult to interact with people, while the introverted simply don't have much desire to beyond what is necessary.