Zendrea's smirk turned sour as she was grabbed, fire burning in her eyes as she looking into the crimson that was Ariel's, as Ariel dug into her chin hot blood pooled at the marks "I will make you regret this....I will make sure of it.." she said with scowl on her face, then the fire died, the demon's red skin turned back to Zendra's normal cream toned skin and, soon Zendra was sitting where Zendrea was, her eyes closed breathing normally, her eyes slowly flickered open "wh...where...what happened?" she took in her surounding for a moment and yelped realizing she was up in a tree. "ahhh!" she quickly clung to the branch that creeked as she moved, holding on like a cat "...i hate heights" she was unsure what was going on the last thing she remembered was being in the bathroom.