The sun was rising, casting its golden glow over the land of Ylisse. The spring air nipped gently at any exposed skin, making goosebump appear on bare arms and legs. Birds chirped their lovely songs in blooming cherry trees that would soon turn green when summer came. The sky was blue, as blue as the ocean. In the distance, the capital of Ylisstol glimmered in the sunlight. The dusty path that the Sacred Blades had rode on was long and grueling, and they had been attacked by rogues and bandits more than once. It was no problem getting rid of them, though. They were inexperienced and reckless, and they only received a few scrapes and cuts before they sent the bandits on their way. Once they got to Ylisstol, they would rest a while before commencing with their recruitment. At the head of the group sat a somewhat tall young man dressed in tactician's robes. The fair skin on his forearm had been slashed open, and blood was leaking out and onto the ground. He had been injured in the last attack, but luckily it wasn't a deep cut. He would get it patched up when they had time to rest. Wyeth's hair billowed in the breeze, getting into his face and making the dark mage push it to the side in exasperation. While his hair was a hassle to deal with, he didn't like to keep his hair short. Sometimes he would braid it, other times he would keep it up, and very rarely would he clip it to the side. His silver colored eyes watched the capital before he pressed his heels into the sides of the gray horse he rode, making it gallop down the path at a fast pace. The Sacred Blades were small in number, but Wyeth knew that they would grow. Many of them had died; several during major battles with bandits and many more of hunger and disease. Ylisstol was full of men and women who wanted nothing more than to redeem themselves and make themselves "heros". [B]"We'll stop as soon as we get to Ylisstol. We can split up if you'd like. But the plan is that we eat and then get a few recruits."[/B] Wyeth yelled over his shoulder at the rest of the Sacred Blades, hoping that they heard him. He didn't call himself a leader. Hell, he didn't even want to be one. He let too many people down already. But he was simply guiding his friends until someone wanted to step up and take his place. But he wouldn't give it to just anyone. They had to be sincere. Trustworthy. Understanding. Caring. Not just some bum they picked up from the street. Behind him, the silver haired, green eyed wyvern rider sighed. Even though Sina had been riding on Balerion's back, she was tired and hungry. Balerion's feet dragged on the ground and his head hung low. [I]Poor thing. I'll make sure that he gets enough food and water as soon as we settle down.[/I] she patted the beast on his neck, stroking his forest green scales tenderly and lovingly. Balerion made a noise that sounded like a purr, and she smiled. [B]"I can't wait to get some rest, either."[/b] she murmured to her partner. Wyeth slowed to a trot as they entered Ylisstol. There weren't many people that were out- it was still rather early, anyway. He let out a harsh sigh, pushing himself off of the horse and pulling off his hat. He ran his hand over the sweat drenched hair on his scalp, another sigh escaping his lips. [I]I wonder what we'll come across.[/I] Wyeth thought. [B]"C'mon, I know you guys are hungry, but you shouldn't be moving like turtles."[/b] he joked, a smirk crawling over his lips. --- [I]Bah. Sunlight.[/I] The shadow was irritated. There was no way that he could accomplish what he wanted to do. He loved spring, don't get him wrong, but it was an early sun that he hated. In winter, it lifted its large, gold, lazy head from its long slumber at a later time, giving him more of a while to sneak around and complete his mission. But the sun cast shadows. Long shadows, at that. The shadows would make people alert, and he could never be as sneaky and lithe as he was when it was night time. His green eyes narrowed up at the sun from behind his mask, a scowl crawling over his lips. There was no way that he could get money for a meal or two now. He would have to resort to begging. And begging was something he did not feel like doing. Virde groaned, pulling off his mask and stepping out of the alley he was hiding in. His red hair stood out against the sandy tone of the building nearby, and his navy blue clothing made him stick out like a sore thumb. The other thieves were probably quicker than him and had enough money to fill their mouths and bellies. He, however, was starving. Perhaps he could steal from a thief; thieves weren't that strong at direct combat, but they sure were quick and cunning. He would have to strike quicker and faster- pinning them to the ground and taking their money before fleeing himself. Lowering his hood, he walked toward the main road of Ylisstol and kept his eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. He didn't see anything, but he did see that there was going to be a joust later in the day. There were going to be too many people around. And that was... perfect. A smirk came over his lips as he shoved his hands into his pockets. If there were too many people around, that meant that there would be an easier chance of stealing from an unsuspecting civilian. More distractions, more cover, more hiding places... the ideal environment for a thief. But what time would the joust be? Well, he knew where it would be. Near Castle Ylisstol. Virde cursed himself- how could he forget about that? There would be too much security... and he was rather... notorious. There was no way he could sneak inside dressed the way he was. He paused, giving a 'tsk' and kicking over a stone. The thief was hungry, thirsty... that, and he was getting impatient. His hunger was driving him mad. He hadn't eaten in three days, and he had already thrown up what was left in his stomach in fatigue. Virde looked very much like some sort of dirty, smelly dog. He coughed, muffling it with a hand. Virde made his way to a street corner and sat at the corner, drawing his knees close to him. He rested his chin on his knees. There was no sign of anyone that was going to give him a few coins. All he needed was enough money to get food and get back on his feet. Virde enjoyed his life as a thief, really, but hated the loneliness and hunger. If he was hungry, there was no way he would be able to work at his fullest.