[quote=gcold] Alright people, some updates on our AFKs.Sandman will be removed from Orsinium, Hlaalu and Skyrim rebels if he doesn't respond in 2 days. His factions will proceed like this. - 2000+ Orc berserkers will massacre Dragon Gate and several surrounding villages, during the night between the 10th and 11th.- Hlaalu will be forced to cut back on their operations in Cheydinhal due to unforeseen overhead costs.- The Falkreath rebellion's fate will be decided by the new Skyrim player.Prince Potter has personal matters to attend to, Alinor will be under his control for at least one more week. Altmer matters will be handled as below.- Blood moon will continue until the 10th.- Blockade of Stros M'Kai will be reduced by 1/3 due to strains on the Dominion Navy.- Alinor ground forces continue to prepare and mobilize on Summerset Isles, no foreign actions. [/quote] Orc berserkers would be something like this? [img=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-HcWsjU3glZE/TYfKNWLHXxI/AAAAAAAAAko/FiaFOp-MVOo/s1600/ORK+2+revison+1+copy.jpg] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120204081549/elderscrolls/images/f/f2/Orc_zerker.jpg] Excellent gives me something to do, more importantly, it gives me something violent to do. [img]http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt139/Dusk_eclipse/OrcvsElfEberron.jpg[/img]