[quote=The 42nd Gecko] Seeing Valaeris tried, but apparently failed, to warn Solace, Omega, shall we collab a little bit on my next post? [/quote] Sure, do you have anything particular in mind? It might be a bit difficult as we are likely to be herded into our cells now. It may be easier during the night or next morning during like breakfast. Talking with the DM in IRC he said 2 people in a cell based on posting order. During breakfast if possible i can begin assembling the group since I will have an [i]in[/i] with each cell. I saw Ellri with her lockpicks so I can just let her know about that to start getting her to talk to me. Gecko, you just got beat upside the head and may want medical attention. Plus you showed a willingness to go toe to toe with the warden which means you have potential. You will likely be watched closely now which means I can use you to keep heat off me while I assemble the group necessary to break us out.