At the appearance of the demon's human half, Ariel let out a sigh of relief she didn't even know she was holding. Perhaps she really did have feelings for the girl....maybe. Hearing Zendra's blind panic of heights, Ariel smiled warmly as she leaned over to gently caress Zendra's cheek. "Zendra...I'm happy to see you back. Truly, I am." Her voice was soft, no longer spiteful from earlier and her eyes no longer had their edge. Even the tree had ceased to crumble beneath them. Below, Sasha rolled her eyes. Ariel glanced her way and waved her off. "Leave Sasha. I won't tell you again." The scarred girl said nothing as she backed away into the shadows. She would deal with Ariel later; she has caused enough damage for tonight. Sensing her departure, Ariel took a hold of her lover and gently flew them forward into the girl's bedroom. " much of all that did you hear?"