-Laciel- It was a few hours before sunrise, and strange loud grunts could be heard in the forest at the moment. A young man could be seen training near a smolder pile that was once a fire pit. The man was slicing at what seemed to be an invisible enemy, trying to destroy the man. The grunts grew louder, and evolved into a screech as the man seemingly finished off his invisible persecutor. ".... That's enough training for now," the man mumbled to himslf, as he looked up through the leaves obscuring his view of the sky. The man sheathed his gleaming blade, which had the words L.D. carved on the hilt of the Brave Sword. "I've got a lot a lot of ground to cover to get to find the Sacred Blades... Better hurry up before they scurry off again, somewhere else," the man sighed, smiling to himself. The man ran as fast as he could, despite the hindrance of the two blades and a tough stick he found while traveling. It had a sharp point to it, and the sides almost protruded out, forming a sort of hilt. The next was a common sword, which was partly dull to a point, but could still be considered of some use to him. And the last was a special item that was close to him - his mother's blade. He had found it a few years back, and recognized it by the carving of L.D. on it. It was the only remanents of his deceased family that he had, and he cared for it as if it was almost a real person. The man's mission was unknown to those out of earshot, but if you got close you could hear him mumbling something softly to himself. This was his resolve, and he would not stop until his mission was complete or until he was lying in a pile of his own blood. "Find the Sacred Blades and pledge to join their cause," the man mumbled as he let the wind pass him. "(Find them in Ylisstol... Lets hope that man's rumor was right.)" As he ran, many thoughts lingered on his mind, including his departure from the Grimleal. He remembered as he tried to kill him, before just letting him go. However, that wasn't the part of the memory that clinged to his mind. "(Grima will rise again, and will devour the world! Those Shepards should of never won, for there is only one truth! You cannot defy the truth!)" He shuddered has the awful memories of the Grimleals training came back, but he shrugged it off, and continued thinking positively as he traveled.