[quote=Leidenschaft] Not me! [/quote] [img=http://tamrielfoundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/maormer-ship.jpg] It was news to me, but ESO has been a major eye opener in allot of the lore yet uncovered in the other games for the sea elves. It may be 1000+ years ago, but it's the only game we're you actually interact with the Sea elves. Now why the chitin ships did not look exotic to the wolf queen makes so much more sense....and makes the sea elves seem much less alien... (the only mer it seems who use chitin for everything from cloths to armor (and apparently ships) are the Dunmer anyway. :K) In other news, I've learned, the Nords have a powerful seafaring culture as formidable as the vikings their obviously based off of, (which leaves bretons as the only ones lacking a seafaring culture among the races of men. :P) Redguard's apparently have sand/air benders, (or the TES equivalent anyway), and the Bosmer by and large stopped practicing the meat mandate by the time of ESO, with only the most savage clans still upholding it. (I can imagine it is almost phased out entirely by the events of Skyrim. Makes their conquest seem more sensible now)