Leith shrugged when Mei asked her question. "Maybe that Uicle guy is running into some more bad luck. I've never saw anyone that had so many unfortunate things happen to him in such a short time. But we could move to the front and see what's going on." With that, Leith started moving through the group of students, offering hushed apologies to people he pushed bit harder than he needed to. Leith made it to the front just in time to see a student push the man in armor. A moment later, a rather large hammer landed where Uicle was standing. Leith turned his attention back to the teacher and watched him collide with a man. A box of daggers flew into the air, and then impaled themselves into Uicle. Leith just stared. They had been there for less than half a day, and there had been a death already. [i]Damn, that man was [/i]really[i] unlucky,[/i] he thought to himself before he saw the man that had been carrying the box of daggers start pulling them out of Uicle. He frowned. Why was that man unfazed at seeing Uicle like that? Leith's question was answered when the man told Uicle to stop and Uicle got up. Leith flinched. He had not been expecting that, and the more he thought about it, the funnier the fact that he flinched seemed to him. As he listened to Uicle's explanation, laughter was building up in his gut. He tried to hold it in, but after Uicle asked if anyone had any questions, all the air rushed out of his nose as he burst into a fit of laughter. He tried to stop, but he couldn't. After what seemed like forever, his bout of laughter came to an end. His sides hurt, and he felt light-headed. He could feel everyone's eyes on him. He looked at Uicle and gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. I'm a bit tired, and I tend to laugh when I get startled. Mixing the two seem to have some interesting effects, as you can see. Anyway, I think that we should continue with the tour, and again, I apologize for the interruption."