Eyes flutter open as she feels a chilly breeze pass over, her skin prickling in goosebumps. [i]"Mmmm?"[/i] She briefly gazed at the peaceful scenery for a moment before closing her eyes again. The myrmidon was an unsightly mess and it was a wonder how she was still on horse back. She was draped all over her horse, her right cheek pressed against the animal's mane as she peacefully slept. She snored once before muttering a string of incomprehensible words. "Mmfcandyyumsohungryiwanttoeatcandymmfthisbedisthebestmmfsnore." The horse, however, didn't seem to mind its rider, as it slowly moved along the back lines. Loose and disheveled brown hair blew over her face, tickling her nose as lazy eyes opened once again. The blooming flowers tinted with golden rays, outlined with clear blue skies reminded Noelle of her family. They would be nearing Valm right now, if the ever-changing circus family kept to their schedule. [i]"Ah, do they miss me?"[/i] she briefly wondered before her face contorted into a childish frown. No, they were probably glad that Noelle was causing a fuss somewhere else. [i]"Jeez, it was just for giggles,"[/i] she thought as memories of her past 'sins' popped up. Well, maybe. She then heard the faint voice of the tactician, Wyeth before the rumble of galloping horses filled the air. Noelle winced as she sat up, stretching her back as she yawned. Small cuts littered her skin, a few scabbing over and a few fresh. Luckily, she didn't sustain any major injuries, unlike some of the members of the Sacred Blades. Though the group had been through many life-threatening battles, Noelle couldn't get enough of the rush. Images of the last major battle flooded her eyes as she tightened up her metal headband and gathered her wild hair into a loose ponytail. She was lucky. As the dust settled, Noelle spotted the outline of Ylisse's capital city. [b]"Wahhh!"[/b] she cried out, blue eyes sparkling as she nudged the horse into a full gallop. As a former travelling performer, she had been to Ylisstol numerous times since it was her favorite city. Maybe it was because of the legendary Queen, or maybe because it had some really good candy. Off she went, her heart stirred with excitement as she and her trusty horse leaped to the front lines. Noelle came just in time to hear the mocking words of some guy, whom she had nick-named 'Mr. Grumpy.' Totally justifiable. [b]"Lighten up, Mr. Grumpy!"[/b] she exclaimed, sticking out her tongue at Vincent as she passed by him and the Wyeth. When the horse stopped, Noelle easily jumped off, landing on the ground with cat-like agility. [b]"Hey, hey, Wyeth, I'm going to explooooore now!"[/b] she hurriedly said as she grabbed her sack, slinging it over her shoulder as she escaped from the two men and her trusty horse friend. Her two blades bounced off her armor as she ran, trying to find that certain candy shop. [b]"It's gotta be here somewhere!"[/b] she muttered as she stopped, glancing around. And like that, Noelle was lost. ...Again. Somewhere out there, a fair woman and a sturdy man shuddered, suddenly thinking about their youngest child.