-Vass/Gran- The brunette mage in white garb made his way with the Blades to Ylisstol. He wasn't as bruised up as some of the others, nor was he as tired. Being a part of the Grimleal and their harsh training regiments had taught him many ways to keep your head connected to your body. He thought of the group as nothing but bumbling fools that just got in the way of their plans. Despite the fact that he wanted to just slaughter them on the spot, they could probably handle the Mage due to their numbers. He had to wait for the letter to return, and he had to try to trick the tactician into going along with it. As he looked around the solemn area, he kept his pace with the others. They were a strange bunch to be considered a huge threat to their cause, but they could end up like the Shepards. The Shepards... They shouldn't of won that battle... They should of just rolled over and die, but someone changed something. Vass felt it was a fluke that they won, an ill fated victory. He shook his head at that thought, and continued on, keeping his little act up. Vass felt it wouldn't be long until this group would fall, and that he would soon move onto another. As he contemplated, he eventually reached with Ylisstol with the others. He chuckled at the man's comment, as he was one of the few who wasn't even tired from the journey, despite the conditions. It was funny how he expected better of these troops, despite the fact that they wern't trained as well as conditioned battle veterans. He needed to make sure they stayed that way long enough for him to get the plan moving in motion. All he needed was that letter from the Grimleals tactician, and all was good. "(Such foolish people, letting strangers into their group... They're kind of like the others... Anyways, better go get some food as soon as I can... I don't want to starve myself.)" Before he could say anything, he watched as a young girl rushed off from the group, trying to possibly find food. "(What an airhead,)" he thought to himself as he made his way to the tactician. "Sir, where do you expect us to meet up once we have all filled our stomachs, and once we are finished with recruiting," 'Gran' asked the leader of this rag tag group.