[b]Nelson - The Outpost - Alex[/b] Nelson was running. As fast as he could. He couldn't keep a steady pace up for prolonged periods of time and kept tripping over. Casting a glance over his shoulder, he saw that a huge group of walkers were chasing after him. It must have numbered in the hundreds. Nelson could feel himself begin to sweat and couldn't breathe normally. His heart and lungs felt like they were about to explode into a million tiny pieces. Nelson clutched at his chest, trying to regain correct respiration, but it just wasn't happening. Finally, his legs gave out and he fell flat onto his back, paralysed. The herd was coming closer. He lay spread eagled on the ground, unable to move. This was it. This was how he was going to die. Torn limb from limb by ravenous walkers. Nothing more than a meal to the legions of the undead. They surrounded him and closed in. The first walker opened it's mouth, revealing decaying teeth, and pounced. Everything went black before it reached his unclean flesh. Nelson launched himself up from the bed, sweating profusely. "It was just a dream," he kept reassuring himself. He ran his hands all over his body, worriedly checking for bites or scratches. He found none. Nelson propped himself up with an elbow as the room he was in came into focus. He hadn't seen this place before. Had he been kidnapped? Had the walkers evolved and were now capturing their prey to eat at a later date? Nelson slowed his breathing right down in an attempt to calm his heart rate. He sighed, happy that he was somewhat safe, even if it was just for a day. Nelson swung his legs over to the side of the bed before noticing a man was there. Nelson stared at the man for a minute, not able to decide whether or not he was a walker. He instinctively reached for the handgun that normally sat in his waistline. It wasn't there. Nelson screwed his eyes shut, scolding himself for losing it. He glared at the man again, before speaking. "Where the fuck am I?"