Admittedly, the dome was unsurprising. No seriously, it's like, the smartest thing to do when you're capable of raising barriers around yourself. Round bodies displace force more evenly than any other shape. Though, trapping one's self in an earthen barrier has one drawback. You're not going anywhere quickly. Sliding his lance into its holster once more, locking the button down so he doesn't blow a hole in the holster and subsequently his jetpack. Withdrawn from a pocket on his waist was a detonator, with four buttons that are color coded. This detonator- to anyone who has faced LeeRoy before- is all too familiar and annoying. It would be, except, LeeRoy remembers that he forgot to reload his forearm compartments. "Shit. I could have beaten him right now, had it not slipped my mind. No matter." LeeRoy placed the detonator in his pocket and withdrew from his waist, the ZUB15 Semi-Automatic Air Pistol. This wouldn't be strong enough to kill him through the dome, and LeeRoy knew this, but he was going to do something to get him out of that hole. Aiming down the sights, he fired off three shots into the dome. These air bullets are strong enough to sublimate lead and punch holes in plate armor. The earthen dome will do little to defend against it, but the bullets won't be powerful enough after the innitial strike to cause any injury to Trey. Might make the inside of the dome smell funny though, so there's that.