[quote=SyrianHamster] I'd like that, if you could? Would make it easier for people to visualise him. [/quote] Will do! [quote=SyrianHamster] On a side note, what are we doing about Nillanor's geography? I am happy for people to create maps of their own, if they wish to contribute to the RP creatively. That was the original idea, if memory serves - that Eulona would be made up from everyone's input. However I am ready/willing/able to do them myself if needs be. [/quote] I can assist with any conceptual photos of such and editing some maps for it if so required. c= [quote=Nephriel] Also, Rockette.... have I told you how much I love your posts. XD [/quote] Aww thanks sweets! ---- On the doubling up, I have a lot of experience with it, I tend to do so myself. Right now I don't think that'd be the best course of action because our cast is so full already. But in the event that some drop out or things happen to come to a halt in development, I wouldn't object to some playing secondary characters. Until then, I don't see the need for additions. Unless Roman and Hammy-Ham agree otherwise.