Name: Whiskers. Codename: The Hellhound. Age: A few months. Gender: Male Place of Birth: If the hellhound malarkey is to be believed, then Perdition itself. Affiliations: None at the moment. Occupation: Former demonic prison guard in training. Currently, none. Appearance: Whiskers, at the moment, is a small furry little bundle of joy. He's about the size of the beagle, although proportioned like a puppy. It's quite obvious at one look he will be one big damned dog by the time he's fully grown, even if he's capable of being picked up and carried around at the moment with relative ease. Whiskers is mostly dark, dark grey in coloration, with the fur around his paws darkening to a full black and splotches of red dotting around his eyes and on his back. His tail was not clipped, and it happily wags back and forth, smacking against whatever's around him when he get excited. One of Whiskers' eyes is blue and the other a light green. He's been fed pretty well, it would seem, and definitely looks to be in good shape. In the fact, the only real concern you might have is that Whiskers seems perpetually overheated, if his constant panting is any indication. His long snout is normally wide open, tongue hanging out casually as his eyes lazily survey the world around him. When he sleeps, he tends to lay his face down and cover up his head with his paws, which is what some would call friggin adorable. He has a spiked collar on, but given his small size it's a little too big and almost comical. Ironically, the dog doesn't have very noticeable whiskers at all, and you have to look pretty closely to pick them out. He's fond of barking and howling, and tends to be rather vocal about his emotions. Throwing a stick or something equally exciting will elicit a series of happy barks whereas taking too long to get him food may result in melodramatically mournful howls. He's got fairly thick fur, and tends to shed quite a bit. One of his ears is a bit floppy, giving his head an uneven look whenever he tries to raise both of his ears to listen close. Being in good shape, he doesn't have really baggy jowls, but there's just a smidge of a double doggy chin there. Perhaps he's been fed one too many treats. There's a black spot on his tongue and a perpetually eager look on his canine features. When running, he tends to go all out, and hasn't quite worked out the kinks of momentum and stopping, so he's apt to slide a bit and smack himself into walls and whatnot trying to bound a corner really quickly. This doesn't slow him down for to long, and he's right back to no-holds-barred sprinting after whatever caught his interest within a few moments. When fully grown, Whiskers will be comparable to a large Caucasian Shepherd or very small black bear in size. That's a lot of dog food. Powers: Whiskers is a hellhound. You wouldn't suspect it, on behalf of his being so cute and fuzzy, but the little pup was born in Hell. Presumably, he was being trained to be a prison guard (similar to the usage of Caucasian Shepherds in Russia), or perhaps he was involved in the section of hell where they torture animal abusers, but regardless, there was a dimensional mix-up and the pup wound up on our plane of existence. Now, separated from his home realm, Whiskers' powers are diminished-however, if our ragtag group of heroes somehow winds up in Hell in the course of this RP, I'm calling dibs on Whiskers kicking ass. Now, Whiskers' powers are pretty straightforward. First and foremost, he has durability, strength, speed, and senses beyond that of your normal dog. He doesn't have Wolverine level regeneration by any means, but the dog's rugged, and can take one hell of a beating (I'm sorry). He's capable of tracking scents both mundane and supernatural, and his hellish nature makes him naturally resistant to black magic. Not to say he's immune-you can still kill him (why would you, asshole, he's a dog) with black magic, but in the same way a polar bear shrugs off the cold, Whiskers is naturally designed to work with black magic. And, for that matter-heat. Whiskers is naturally immune to most forms of fire based attacks/heat (he is not, however, able to function without oxygen-if he's stuck in a burning building, he may survive the flames but he'll still asphyxiate). Whenever enraged or hunting, Whiskers' body will be wreathed in an aura of hellfire. Hellfire, for those of you who are unfamiliar with our Dark Lord's creation, is essentially fire on steroids. It's much hotter, much harder to put out, and seems malevolently designed to spread. It is generally contained within a small radius around the dog, and will really only run the risk of igniting things if he actively sits still near a flammable object. And, given that it only activates when he's enraged or hunting, he's probably not going to be sitting still. It's more of a mechanism to injure his attackers or help wear down his prey. Hellfire emits a very strong stench of sulfur whenever activated, and can give away Whiskers' position fairly easily. Skills: Excellent-nay, unparalleled tracker. Very obedient, because they start training early in Hell. He's in excellent shape and his naturally high body temperature will probably make him pretty damned hard to infect, as well. Whiskers is also very sweet-and while his size may be intimidating, everybody loves a big lovable furball. While nowhere near human levels of intelligence, Whiskers is extremely smart, and is capable of handling more complex commands than most normal dogs would (on account of him not being a normal dog). Whiskers is also able to sniff out drugs, explosives, and magic. Also, total chick magnet. Equipment/Resources: Collar on his neck. Weaknesses: Well, he's a dog. So, no thumbs, no speaking to people ("What? Timmy fell down a well? Thanks, Lassie!"), weakness to dog whistles, chocolate, prone to chasing squirrels, the whole nine yards. Using his demonic powers will make him tired, and the big guy's gotta go lay down and rest for a while. Also, while he's capable of moving sneakily, it's somewhat hard to conceal him. His weight and size will make it difficult to move him if injured as well. Also, full grown? he's going to put away a LOT of dog food. He gets into a fight or something that kicks his metabolism into overdrive? Just let him loose in a grocery store and go pick him back up in a couple of hours. And seriously, no thumbs and no speaking. That's big. Psychological Profile: I don't want to be a smart ass, but he's a dog. He's obedient and generally very loving, but he doesn't really ruminate on the moral conundrums man faces or anything. He's also very young, even by a dog's standards, and as such hasn't had time to fully develop his personality yet. For the most part, he's a good, well-trained dog, one who could be dropped into either a police K9 unit or Seeing Eye Training without a hitch. He's got a good memory, and is one to hold a grudge, but for the most part, he's out to love everybody. Whiskers has the same protective instincts that most dogs has, and his owner will find themselves with an unshakeable furry bodyguard. He is one to enjoy playing and relaxing more than work, and can sometimes be lazy or a little reluctant to do what's needed, but is for the most part decent. Biography: Moving past the parts I covered in his Powers section, Whiskers was found wandering near the Cook County prison, hiccuping fire. One of the guards suspected this may have been outside of the dog catchers' pay grade and got the furball inside, tucked away somewhere he couldn't immolate anyone or anything. They were in the midst of trying to contact the League and figured out what in the hell (I'm going to keep doing this) the dog was when a few prisoners started making a ruckus and everything went crazy. He's currently trapped inside a crate, whining to be let out. Other: He will wind up with Cordelia to challenge her hatred of dogs.