-Laciel- ((Note, this takes place a few hours before sunrise and before the Blades even made it to Ylisstol.)) The man wasn't more then a mere hour away from the city, and traveling with a few items made it a lot easier. It was almost sunrise when he entered the city, and almost no one could of been awake at this time. He caught his breath near the entrance, before stretching and taking a look around the place. Nothing looked different from the last time he visited this place, other than the vacant streets... Then again, it was probably cause no one was awake at this time. He sighed to himself after exploring most of the city, before plopping down on the ground by an inn, and getting a few extra hours of sleep. The man abruptly awoke to the sound of a few people talking near him. He pushed himself off the musty ground and yawned quietly to himself before taking a look up into the sky. The sky was brighter than usual, which means the sun had finally risen from its slumber. "(I should probably buy something to eat... I knew I should of kept the rest of that bear meat instead of leaving it to rot.)" He shook his head in annoyance, as he headed off to find a butchery, or bakery. Most of the people here could probably tell him if the Sacred Blades were here, but he was much more preoccupied with looking for sustenance for himself. After a couple of minutes, Laciel found himself exiting from the bakery with a chunk of bread. He broke it in halfand quickly gobbled down one of the pieces. "(Guess that works for now, I should save the bread for later though,)" Laciel thought to himself as he put the bread into a small bag he was carrying with him. As the young man looked around, he noticed a few strange looking people walking after someone. These strange people piqued Laciels interest, as they could of been a part of the mercenary group he was looking for. As the man followed these people, he saw that they were following a woman who was wearing something that looked Chonsinese. Before he could speak up to the group, he saw as they drew their weapons, and began speaking to the woman crudely. He ducked behind a building, and watched the scene unfold. "(Perfect, they're either going to rob, rape, murder, or do all three to that woman.)" He tried to come up with a strategy to save the woman who was wielding a bow to fend off her assailants, but he knew that wouldn't do so well unless she had a few allies to back her up. She was outnumbered, six to one, and she could probably take out one or two ruffians. "(What am I doing, just standing here watching the scene unfold?! I can possibly take out one or two of them since their backs are turned, and I could probably handle a few of them... Depending on their training.)" Laciel drew his iron sword, and began creeping up on the group. "(This is going to end horribly for all of us... Fighting in a frickin' city filled with people and multiple guards is just insane unless its an invasion!)" The man just nodded to himself in annoyance as he quietly approached the six. "Hey, what the hell is going on here?!" Laciel had his sword drawn, ready to face adversity. If he could distract them long enough, the girl could get away and find some help. Either way, he was sure that these are just common thugs that he could take on on his own. He would try to disarm, and possibly do his best not to kill any of them... If that could be considered a possibility at the moment. ((Want me to change any of it, just ask me))