Robert breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the visitor's car was still in parked outside of Granny's. To stop the man from getting away, Robert double parked behind Henry's car, even though there was plenty of open spaces. It was technically illegal, but Robert had left all of the wheel clamps at the station for the night, and he couldn't let this opportunity slip away. It's not like anyone would give him parking ticket, and with luck he wouldn't even have to be there long. He found a thick envelope sitting on the right side of the back seat, just like Regina had said. It was thick but otherwise nondescript, there was nothing to mark it as tax money. He didn't bother to photograph it, because figured there'd be plenty of time for that after he'd arrested Henry. Not wanting to waste time, he went to interrogate the innkeeper and request a key to Henry's room. On his way in, he saw a female figure arrive in the parking lot, but he could not identify her in the darkness at this distance. The conversation had taken longer than he hoped, but by the time it was over he'd gotten some valuable information about Henry, all of which he'd made sure to write down in his notes. The person behind the counter had also been kind enough to allow him to access Henry's room, there would be no need for a search warrant. Robert felt slightly satisfied with himself as he walked outside the hotel, hoping to secure the envelope and arrest Henry as soon as possible.