Argurios moved to the back of the cabinet. His shoulder gnawing at him more and more. He sat at the ground his back to the wall. He heard others speak, but couldn't concentrate. He was still tired from his father's hit and the pain made him even more wary. Out of his pouch he took a leaf his father gave him when he was in pain. It didn't dull the pain completely yet made it more bearable. As the pain loosened it's hold. Argurios sighed and unintentionally fell asleep. In his dreams a small demonic Hare came to the center of town. Argurios chased it through the town when finally a sling firmed in his hands. Swinging it about his head and realising. The Hare puffed into a cloud of smoke. Argurios stood confused by what just happened. Behind him a large data stature formed fangs pointing from its jaws, long claws from the hands. It let out a loud bowl and began to char Argurios. Argurios frightened by the nightmare began running. Before he noticed he was standing infront of the towns gates, the nightmare no longer giving chase. He could hear someone calling from the other side. Then the nightmare came from above and he woke up. Argurios woke with a start. His hands covering his head. He sat still for a moment. When he realised nothing was wrong and that he was safely back in the cabinet he let out a relieving sigh. "What was that about." He murmured to himself. His shoulder didn't hurt him at all, until he didn't try to move the arm. It was stiff from the hit, but as he presumed it was nothing serious. Slowly he got back up on his feet and looked around. A distant sound could be heard.