Ylisstol was a grand city, but to Wyeth, it felt kind of homely. He was raised around Ylisstol and spent a while on its streets before the Sacred Blades showed up and took him into their ranks. It was a sad time for him—his mother had just recently left him behind and he had no one to turn to or love. He personally thought that he was going to die on those streets, but then [i]they[/i] came. To him, the Sacred Blades were like a blessing from the gods at the time. They were the best thing that ever happened to him ever since his father had died. Either way, seeing Ylisstol again after a long while of traveling was comforting. At least, it was to him. Once the dirt road turned into the paved streets, Wyeth got off of his horse and took its reigns into his hands. It was then that Vincent approached him, complaining about the group being hungry and having expected better of his troops. A frown crossed his features as he turned his pale eyes to the lord. [b]”Well, we haven’t eaten much to begin with.”[/b] the tactician told him, continuing to lead the horse toward the stables. [b]”It’s only natural that they’re hungry. I could go for a hot plate of food myself. Or maybe a nice bowl of soup?”[/b] even though Vincent was a bit too uptight for his taste, Wyeth offered him a small grin. [b]”Come on. Lighten up. We aren’t the Exalt’s army, for Naga’s sake. Hell, we aren’t even as good as the Shepherds once were.”[/b] Suddenly, Noelle leapt off of her horse with utmost grace and bounded off, shouting that she was going to go and explore. He gazed after her for a moment or two, wondering if he should be concerned. [i]I guarantee that she’s going to get lost. We’ll find her, though.[/i] he sighed, running a hand through his hair and peering over at the mage that had approached them. Gran was asking where they would meet up after they were done eating and recruiting. [b]”I think that we could regroup at the city’s entrance. If not, we could meet up at the closest inn. We should rest a day or two and have our wounds checked up on.”[/b] Now that he thought about it, where was their cleric? She had been rather quiet on their journey to Ylisstol. Wyeth’s wound was hurting more than it should, and he was worried that it could get infected if he couldn’t find her soon. And an infected gash as big as his was bad news indeed. --- [i]Ylisstol. It’s bigger than I imagined.[/i] The silver haired wyvern rider’s green eyes scanned the city, a smile on her lips. It was rare to see her frown or cry, as she always tried to remain happy for the group. But now, the smile that crossed her face was sincere and full of happiness. While she wanted nothing more than to run after Noelle and explore, she knew that she had to get Balerion in the stables. And that was never an easy task. She supposed that she could just let him fly above the city and keep an eye on her. That way, he wouldn’t get in anybody’s way and he could swoop down to help at any moment. Sina slid off of Balerion’s back and turned to face him. The wyvern looked more tired than usual. Pity struck her heart as she stroked his neck. [i]I should have let him fly around on his lonesome sooner.[/i] [b]”Balerion, you can go. But keep close, okay?”[/b] she murmured to the beast as if he were her babe, but Sina wasn’t sure if he understood what she said. Maybe he just understood what she meant by listening to the tone of her voice? Either way, she took a step back to give the wyvern enough room to unfurl his wings and begin to beat them, taking into the skies at a lazy pace. She watched as he slowly became a green spot in the expanse of blue sky before turning to the rest. Many of them had gone their own ways. She already knew that Noelle went off to explore. Wyeth and two other men seemed to be going to the stables. The tactician was telling the mage that they were going to regroup around where they were standing. Now that she knew where they were going to meet up again, she decided that she should go and get some food. The thin woman was starving, and they hadn’t stopped to eat not once. [i]I think my stomach’s eating itself…[/i] she thought, rubbing her belly as she walked away from the rest of the group. [i]I have to get some food in it, and quick.[/i] Sina made her way into the town square, and her eyes brightened up when she saw the amount of food merchants were selling in their little stands. Bright red apples and other types of food, luxury cutlets of meat… if only she had the money to buy such things. She could maybe by an apple and a small loaf of bread, but… that wouldn’t sate her hunger for long. [i]It’ll have to do, though.[/i] she told herself as she walked to one of the merchants. [i]It’s better to have food than to not have food.[/i] --- The hunger was bothering him more and more. Virde felt as if he was going to throw up again, but he wasn’t going to let himself do such a thing. He had to maintain whatever food he had in his stomach, well, in his stomach. He would only become weaker if he vomited, and then he would have a harder time snatching food from someone or sneaking into someone’s home or supplies. The thief pressed his face against his knees, trying to keep the bile from rising in his throat. [i]What I wouldn’t give to have enough money to get some food…[/i] he thought, closing his eyes and furrowing his brow. [i]If only I had agreed to run my pa’s business…[/i] He shook his head, lifting his face from behind the shelter of his knees. Okay, he was beginning to think weirdly. Virde had to get something in his stomach, fast, before he began to think about getting a job. A woman crossed his path, handing him a couple of gold coins and a delicious pastry. The thief raised his head to look at her as she went on her way. A cake and a few coins. That was great. But he needed something warm in his stomach. If he couldn't find anything else... he'd eat the cake. He slipped the coins into a pocket and gently placed the cake into another one. Even if it was going to be mashed up, food was food. Pulling himself onto his feet, the red headed thief pulled up his hood and slipped his mask onto his face. [i]I can’t risk any of the guards recognizing my face.[/i] he told himself as he snuck through the streets and wormed his way through the crowds of people. [i]If they do, they’ll stop at nothing to throw me into a jail cell, and I rather hang myself than have that happen.[/i] Even walking through the city made him extremely tired. His movements were heavy and careless as he continued to search for a food cart. [i]There has to be one around here.[/i] There was no way there wasn’t. There had to be a merchant on his way to the town square to open up shop. And yet, he felt like he was going to spend an eternity looking for a single fruit cart at the rate that he was going. He felt like cursing the gods and the Exalt and all of the damned people in the damned city. [i]I’m probably going to pass out before I even find a single… aha![/i] Virde couldn’t help but grin behind his mask as he spotted an older man tugging along a cart filled to the brim with freshly baked bread. He cut through the crowd, careful not to step on any toes or shove anyone aside. His stomach was telling him to rush to the cart and take as many loaves as he could, but he knew that would be too rash. He would get caught if he did, and he had no energy to run or defend himself. [i]A little bit closer…[/I] The bread was just within his reach. As soon as his fingers brushed against them, he leaned forward and pulled two from the cart. Joy welled in his heart as he turned away and walked in the opposite direction. The people walking past the cart had been the perfect cover, and because of that, he had enough food to keep him going for a day or two. Virde grinned as he sunk his teeth into the warm bread, ripping a piece off of the loaf and swallowing it eagerly. His stomach seemed to growl in happiness as it was greeted with food. [i]I Thought I was going to die back there… Thank Naga, I'm going to have a good meal today.[/i]