Sophia looked at Marshall seeing him like he was now was just how he reacted when his wife and son died those few years that passed, she quickly reached over and yanked the bottle of whiskey out of his hands and threw it roughly out the window hearing the glass shatter spilling the whiskey all over the pavement. "Marshall that's not true as long as we are all together in this we will make it out alive and make it through this. And you acting like this isn't what Luke would want, he would want you especially to try and keep this group together." She gestured towards Ashley and stared into his eyes. "Luke also wanted us to keep her safe, we cant have you be drunk there will be time to mourn okay?" Sophia reached out and gently held his hand. "I need you okay." Sophia said softly looking back towards her sister and Autumn as the two of them talked. "I'll drive you are to drunk to okay?" Sophia said softly and got out of the truck and looked at Conelle. "Can you drive?" Sophia asked and waved toward everyone. "We are moving out now everyone!" Sophia called out to everyone and started making her way towards the Honda pilot and got into the driver's seat and started the engine. "I'll try and talk to my sister about it. But what makes you think it's safer up there?" Katelyn asked as she started to walk over towards her sisters car and gestured towards him to follow her. She went over towards Ashley and reached out towards her and smiled. "We should get going." Katelyn said and started back towards her sister's car and got into the passenger seat. Sophia started to drive forward. "Follow me and stay close." Sophia said as she started to drive down the highway again.