Mara was stirred from her thoughts by Vincent's comments. Her lips pursed for a moment as she thought about all the amenities she had to go without during her time with the Sacred Blades. This had been a long and arduous journey, and frankly she had not been as fully prepared for it. Traveling was one thing, but having to constantly worry about one's well-being and that of others is another. The responsibilities of a cleric were manyfold, and she had only just begun to discover them. Leaning on her staff for support, the cleric began to survey the rest of the Sacred Blades. She had made it a habit to check in on them regularly to ensure that they were healthy enough to march on. Truth be told, though, she had been lax in her duties during the past week. This was only made more evident by her realization that she had completely forgotten to check on the leader since the last major battle, which she had, for the most part, not participated in. [b]"He better be okay..."[/b], Mara whispered under her breath as she straightened herself and began to walk. She made it a point to wait until Wyeth was done making announcements before approaching him. When she saw his injury, Mara tried her best to hide her worry. Realizing she had neglected to tend to her leader's wounds only furthered her self-doubt, and the last thing Mara wanted was for this to be reflected in her actions. Perhaps she wasn't cut out as a cleric, though. After all, she had only been a lowly apprentice not so long ago. The fact that Wyeth and the others put up with Mara's relative inexperience made her wonder if they were simply desperate for any sort of help. With an outstretched hand, she gestured to Wyeth's wounded arm while speaking in a stern voice. [b]"I hope you weren't planning on walking around with that. We can't have our leader falling ill"[/b] She switched to a more concerned tone, [b]"let me have a look."[/b] If Wyeth allowed her, she would begin her ministrations. First by applying a balm to numb the pain, and then, Naga willing, by using what power she could muster with her worn healing staff. All the while, Mara would try to remain aloof.