It had been three weeks since Ilta first arrived in the coastal town of Leyawiin, and everyday had either been spent in the Temple of Kynareth, tending to wounded soldiers or in the town library, reading as much as her mind could absorb in one sitting. Ilta had been exploring the countryside west of Riften in Skyrim when a courier approached her with a letter, claiming it was from the priests of Kynareth located in Leyawiin, Cyrodiil. "Cyrodiil?!" Ilta had exclaimed aloud, loud enough for her voice to carry through the wind and stir the birds in the trees. "That would take weeks to travel from here!" The Bosmer was skeptical as the letter requested that Ilta be hasty on her journey from Skyrim to Leyawiin, meaning her afternoon walk would be rudely interrupted by the Kynareth priests. But this was an opportunity to explore the land of Cyrodiil, Ilta thought, beginning to reconsider. Ilta took in as much of the scenery as she could before running back to her camp in the abandoned watchtower not too far from her location and immediately set out on her journey to the town by the sea. The journey itself was surprisingly shorter than expected when Ilta took little rest and walked at a brisk pace, landing the Bosmer in the town of Leyawiin within two weeks time. All Ilta wanted was a bed to rest in and a warm meal, but the priests required her assistance immediately. As she recalled on the letter, she remembered the priests never specifically mentioned the task itself, only stating that she "was needed of the utmost importance in Cyrodiil". Upon Ilta's arrival at the Temple of Kynareth, she was greeted by panicked priests who shoved her at a great amount of crippled and bloody soldiers. The room was packed with dying war heroes and citizens who were praying to the divine Kynareth for her blessing. According to the head priest, they had heard word from the Temple located in Riften of Ilta's legendary healing ability and immediately requested for her assistance at healing the wounded. Day after day, Ilta spent hours slaving away at the soldiers, healing their broken bones and stitching up their cuts. After a week or so, the amount of sick had decreased to a manageable amount but the Bosmer healer decided against leaving for Skyrim straight away, and instead chose to explore Leyawiin and the surrounding areas for a while longer in addition to helping out part-time at the Temple. Her skills were greatly appreciated here as the citizens of Leyawiin had not been blessed with such a gifted healer in decades. Ilta discovered the library while looking for fresh ingredients to combine in new alchemical creations and was elated upon finding the vast collection of magic books. The Bosmer lost track of time while in the building, reading book after book after book. Never in her life in Skyrim had she seen such a beautiful collection and not even the College library came close to what was displayed in Leyawiin. Ilta was permitted free entry, provided she kept to herself and was cautious not to raise any ruckus during her time. Life in Leyawiin was simple, as Ilta had enough coin saved from her old job in Riften selling meat and potions to keep her warm and comfortable during her stay. After finishing a rather lengthy book on the uses of Illusion magic, Ilta decided to take a visit to the local tavern, the Blackwood Brew, a rowdy and crowded place with gambling taking place in every corner. The Bosmer drank alcohol rather rarely, but she decided that one drink wouldn't hurt. She sat on a barstool and handed the innkeeper the required Septims and in turn he handed her a jug of ale, which Ilta took a hefty swig out of. "For someone so delicate-looking, you drink like someone who has been drinking all their lives, miss," a young Redguard stated, sliding into the stool next to the Bosmer who remained silent amongst the noise. "I haven't seen you around before, you from here, Elf?" Ilta glanced at the Redguard from the corner of her eyes before returning to staring at the wall adjacent to her. "No, I travelled here from Skyrim," she replied sharply and took another drink. "Skyrim eh?" He asked, inching closer to Ilta. "No wonder you drink with such flamboyance." [i]This Redguard clearly isn't getting the hint,[/i] the healer thought, giving him a curt not as a reply. He had snuck up so close that Ilta could feel the thick stench of alcohol on her cheek, and that was it. With hand movement under the table so quick, the dark-skinned Redguard had turned away and left the Bosmer alone in peace. [i]Illusion spells aren't entirely useless,[/i] thought Ilta to herself. To the right of where she was sitting she noticed the innkeeper slipping a small amount of moonsugar into a jug of mead and handing it to an unknown figure seated in a hidden position behind a pillar near the door. After all her years trading in the town of Riften, witnessing all the shady trading that went on beneath the marketplace Ilta knew moonsugar when she saw it. The Bosmer was almost certain that moonsugar was illegal in Cyrodiil - although she couldn't know for sure - so she stood up and began to approach the shadowy figure. This was not about to go unnoticed.