Luro's night only improved at the man's challenge it had been far too long since he had been challenged to a drinking contest so he agreed without a moments hesitation, seeing as neither of them had to pay for the drinks made it better, it was an challenge between men who loved the drink he couldn't be any happier. Luro grinned and grabbed the whole bottle of wine shoving the glass aside before slamming it on the table grinning at the man, he watched him grab a bottle before both of them downed the bottles and yelled for more. Luro ended up glancing back at Nolan smiling at him as he offered words of encouragement, though Luro's eyebrow did raise seeing he was pretty drunk but it was a celebration so he figured it'd be strange if he wasn't. He noticed Danny in the crowd shortly after and he grinned not really used to recognizing faces in the crowd, he wasn't sure if anyone else was in it as he was already downing the next round that was brought, he had heard the news of Marcos and though he wanted to speak with him leaving the table was equal to giving up and he couldn't afford to shame not only his name but that of the StarDusk pirates at least that's what he believed but that may be the alcohol over anything else. Thirty bottles in and the man was starting to lean back and forth his gaze not leaving his opponent, Luro was a little red in the face and his body was getting surprisingly warm but he had already finished his bottle and was reaching for the next one, he offered a smile to the man who returned it and down the drink in one go before falling backwards in his seat and hitting the ground. Luro blinked before the crowd exploded which he assumed meant that he was finished, he actually felt a little sad to see it that meant their time drinking together was over then, he held longer than some of the others he drank with, not as long as a lass he met in a tavern a few years back, too bad she was trying to kill him or else it'd be a happier memory. "There are no winners or losers in a drinking contest, since you get to drink and all that," Luro said standing up. "Well unless you gotta pay for the drinks, once he wakes up tell him I had fun oh and get him another drink too." Luro walked away from the crowd deciding to find a young lass to share a dance with, however as he made his way there he noticed Danny was asleep in her her chair, he rubbed the side of his head looking around before motioning to one of the maidens from earlier, once she walked over he pointed at Danny before speaking. "I can't exactly leave a young lass asleep and defenseless out here, we have rooms right I'd like help taking her to one. This chair makes it hard to move her though but if we put our heads together we can figure something out." "Um...sir why don't you-" the woman started but stopped as Luro slammed his fist on the palm of his hand. "I got it, I'll lift the chair up and pull it out then we can take her to the room." "Her head is on the table...she'll just end up falling." "'re right that won't work then why don't I just turn the chair sideways, her body will move with it then removing her head from the table then I can just straighten it and she'll be fine." "She'll more than likely fall out when you turn it sideways." "Oh...yeah that's right too, it's a good thing you're so smart. Maybe we should get a second chair and-" "Sir please hold on moment maybe you should just forget the chair and just carry her or I can have someone else do so." "Oh...Oh! Yeah I could do that do you mean like a princess or a kidnap victim." "I...I don't understand what you mean." Luro nodded and held his arms out deciding to show her, he held both out mimicking carrying someone in his arms then moved his hand pretending to hold an invisible person on his shoulder for the latter before lowering both his arms. "I'm afraid to ask why the last one is called that but I won't press the-" "Oh well it's one of the easier ways to kidnap a person, unless they have a dagger and stab you in the back, but if they don't it's faster and you can feel their bum, it's better if their bound though then you can just toss them in your dingy and leave, oh their mouth as well so they can't call for help." The woman stared at Luro doing her best to keep her face as expressionless as possible as he smiled at her his attention returning to Danny, alarm bells seem to be ringing in her mind about this man but she shut her eyes regaining her composure before noticing he was pointing at Danny again. "Hey Danny's asleep out here that's not good, we should get her to a room but what can we do about the chair? Maybe if we switched chairs with another we could move her." The woman brought a hand to her face as Luro started looking for another chair, though thanks to her intervention and telling him the same idea again he ended up just carrying Danny to her room, piggyback style at the recommendation of the maiden. The celebration seemed to continue on and Luro walked outside wanting to get away from what was inside, he noticed that the people in town seemed to be enjoying themselves as well and Luro couldn't help but smile seeing everyone happily dancing and merrymaking, if this happened every time they saved a town he could see how tempting it'd be but he still didn't like being near high society it just made him uncomfortable. He didn't mind these royals though they seemed like decent people but he still decided to step outside anyway, at the very least to try and clear his head. He sat down on a nearby set of steps before a small yawn escaped from him, he chuckled seeing he was more tired than he thought, he would probably sleep on the ship tonight as he was sure they had fluffy beds, he always felt like he was sinking in one and that he'd eventually get trapped. Luro glanced at the castle then back at the streets before he dug into his pocket and pulled out the small black container, he'd had this thing for as long as he could remember, even when he first met the captain and everyone else though he kept the contents to himself for the time being. Opening it Luro pulled out a piece of parchment a small smile forming on his face, no matter how many times he looked at it he always felt content on the parchment was a younger Luro his hair stopping at the base of his neck, the tattoo wasn't on his face but a wide grin was as he held onto a tricorne hat staring at nothing in particular. He chuckled as it seemed so long ago now, he was just lad then still learning about the world. The parchment itself was a wanted poster with the words [i][b]"Wanted for Murder[/i][/b] in big bold letters. He even smiled seeing the bounty though it was only 3,000 back then, he remembered the pride he felt first seeing it and other mixed feelings but those weren't important, though back then he was only known as Makachi. [i]"We aren't murders, we're pirates."[/i] Luro brought hand to his head the captain's words resonating in skull for a moment, he gave it a little shake before putting the parchment away, he reached into his pocket grabbing the wanted poster he ripped off earlier. It was a recent bounty of him with the bounty being set at 35,000, the picture was a bit more accurate since the tattoo was on his face but his hair was still shorter than before ' Murder, Piracy and other heinous acts' had been added to the bounty. They really didn't want to let that first thing go he couldn't help but laugh a little at it. "I don't think they'd agree with you captain but I'm glad to be a pirate," Luro said to no one in particular. Luro stood up before folding the parchment sticking it under his cartridges and powder, he didn't think there'd a wanted poster this far north but he was positive he wouldn't see anymore so it didn't matter, the one thing he enjoyed about being a pirate was the past of the crew didn't matter, it didn't mean he wasn't curious but in the end what they had now was more important. Now that he thought about it he wondered what Kai's looked like, and Ray's actually Nolan probably had one too and Danny would soon enough if she didn't already, he wondered what their expressions would be when they look at it. "Alright better get back to the ship if I'm going to catch the captain's sleep face, I didn't see Kai so I won't have to sneak past him...I don't think Ray would stop me but just in case I'll hurry." With that Luro picked up a light jog and made his way back to the ship, however he realize moving quickly was a bad idea and walked instead. "Oh man I forgot to seal the throne chair....ah that's alright stealing during a celebration seems pretty mean. I'll do it tomorrow when we're all enemies again."