[b]Name:[/b] [i]Nikki Biyung[/i] [b]Codename:[/b] [i]Swarmqueen[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [b]Affiliations:[/b] Vigilante work before joining the league [b]Occupation:[/b] High school graduate [b]Appearance:[/b] Nikki is a girl that doesn't appear like the average female. Whether it's her boyish facial features, or her lack of feminine features. It can be hard to tell that she's female sometimes. But an observant eye can definitely say that she's female. Nikki appears very tomboy-ish, to the point where she's near androgynous. Her facial features mostly appear to be male. She has a slim build, that's slightly muscular, but won't impress anybody. She lacks that desired female figure, instead it's a straight figure that lacks curves (Flat chest and butt), and is generally masculine. While she's short in terms of height, her arms and legs are notably long, and she has large, bony fingers. Nikki is an obviously Asian girl, of specifically Korean roots. Her skin is a light-yellow color, that's not exactly perfect. Her skin isn't perfectly clear, since she has plenty of scars on her body, and her knees are pretty scared from falling over as a kid. In terms of looks, Nikki can be called pretty, but she isn't winning any beauty pageants. She does look a bit boyish, but definitely female. Nikki's head is oval shaped and very rounded, her facial features are dull and rounded too. Nikki's cheeks are very notably large and round, but smooth, blending into her face well. They are often the first thing people notice about her. She has small lips, that aren't very girly or anything like that. Nikki has a medium sized nose, that's very pointed at the tips, and her nostrils are very small, and C-shaped. Her ears are medium sized, but notable round. Nikki's forehead is very big, and often the butt of jokes. Because of her heritage Nikki's eyes are small, slanted, and a brown color. Nikki's hair is jet-black, and short. She keeps it in a high-profile style, and a bit of it brushed over the left side of her forehead. Nikki's costume has an insect motif, or at. For her mask, she has a insect motif. Her costume isn't that unique. It appears that she wears a black, skin-tight bodysuit that covers her entire body from head to toe. With a intricate white pattern all over it, resembling spider webs. This suit outfit has armoring built into it, it covers her vital areas (Her chest, throat, etc) and other areas (Her shoulders, elbows, knees). This armoring is painted black to blend into the rest of her outfit. Her armor is made out of Spider silk from Black Widow spiders that she weaved herself. Since spider silk from a bark spider is "stronger than steel on a per weight basis" which means it's strong and lightweight, but not quite as hard as steel. . Around her waist is a large black belt, with a massive bee belt buckle. To conceal her identity Nikki wears a mask. A simple [url=http://static.artfire.com/uploads/studio_gallery//thumbs/82883_995541488_gallery_image_thumb_large.jpg]spider masquerade mask[/url] mask with tinted goggles to cover her eyes. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Macro-Arthropodkinesis.[/i] Nikki has the powerful ability to control Arthropods (Insects, Arachnids, etc) on a large scale. She can sense all arthropods from at least five miles (And two feet) from herself, tell what kind of insect they are, and command them to make them follow her every wish. This ability allows her to sense what they sense. This power is large scale, thus, she can control thousands off insects at a time and she can control insects from miles away from her effortlessly. Nikki's degree of skill with this ability is so high that she can individually give commands to the insects. [i]Arthropod-Biology Manipulation.[/i] Nikki's secondary power is easily her most dangerous one. She can alter the biology of any insect within a ten foot radius. Allowing herself to completely redefine their biology to anything within reason. Make them larger, make them poisonous, etc. I am good with bugs, so I (think I) know what I'm doing. And just to clarify, she CAN'T do this a lot, so no armies of poisonous, ten foot long, butterflies. [b]Skills:[/b] Nikki has a little bit of skills under her belt. For starters, she's very perspective, intelligent and logical, and putting those together means that she can figure things other. It also comes with an innate observantness that allows her to pick up details. On the more of a sporty side, Nikki has played Baseball, Basketball, and Soccer, and it has really improved her speed and footwork. She runs fast like an athlete would. Another part of her athletic skill is that she's a very good climber, though most of the things she had to climb were trees. Nikki is also a practitioner of Karate, and has reached Red-belt status. Though, she hasn't practiced in ages, she still remembers enough to get her through it. Under other noncombat skills, Nikki knows how to draw, knit clothing very well, can play the guitar and the flute, and gymnastics. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] The best equipment five dollars can buy! Nikki has limited resources, since she was recently a small time vigilante. She has a combat knife, a collapsible baton, pepper spray, and a EpiPen just in case anyone goes through anaphylactic shock. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Fire, poison, cold, and so on are very effective against bugs - It'll take time for Nikki to gather an effective swarm - The more insects that Nikki control, the less fine control she has over them - Killing a large amount of insects at once will cause Nikki a mental shock - Changing an arthropods biology requires concentration, not completing the process will kill the arthropod. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Nikki is a rather noble and kind person. She lived her life as a loner, and it shows in how she behaves around people. She's shy, rarely speaks, and is quite hesitant, when around strangers. She keeps to herself most of the time, and tries to appear serious as possible. However, when around people; she's much warmer and much more receptive. She can be seen smiling and generally acting cheerful, and playing around like a girl her age shouldn't be. Nikki is nice and warm to just about everyone when they haven't done anything to provoke her. But despite this, she isn't far away from socially awkward, and really lacks confidence. Nikki is a very open minded isn't bothered by issues like homosexuality and transgender-ism. She doesn't judge people based off such things, and is willing to try things. When the time comes, she's much more serious, and is a very focused person. Thinking through decisions greatly. Her weakness comes when she doesn't have time to think, only time to act. Which can cause her to mess up things. When provoked, she can be quite aggressive and lash out at the aggressor. And she can get super pissed off. To the point where she throws out logic and says/does something she'd regret later. Merely because she's put up with things that caused her great stress and emotional harm, and she doesn't like anymore. Nikki also has a habit with holding grudges against people - Because once they've pissed her off, they'll have to try their damn near hardest to redeem themselves. Nikki is a... bored girl. She was bored with her current life, and where she feared it was going. Which is why she's decided to take up the mantle of a super-hero. Not just for heroic reasons, she just wanted some excitement in her life. It's a rush to be out there fighting crime. Fighting super villains and beating up criminals. Which satisfies her boredom with life, and she's making the place a better place. However, that boredom and displeasure has seeped into her work as a hero. Sometimes she feels like things aren't going to get better as hard as she tries, and she's only wasting her time. On top of that, she fears the excessive damage she does whenever she gets into a fight. In terms of D&D morality, Nikki can be classified as Chaotic or Neutral Good. On one hand, Nikki tries her best to appear as the ideal hero, that makes the best choices and saves everyone. On the other hand, she isn't the ideal hero. She is a Anti-hero in a way. She won't let rules get in her way, nor does she have many inhibitions preventing her from killing an especially dangerous man. But only when there seems to be no other choice, will she resort to these drastic means. [b]Biography:[/b] Prepare yourself for complete sub-parness! Since I suck at backstories. Nikki's grand-parents, Jin-Ho & Mi-Cha Biyung, were north Korean immigrants that moved to American several decades ago, along with their child Su-Ming (Nikki's mother). There, they had another child, Lisa Biyung. Their two children eventually met their loves, and had children of their own. Su-Ming met a Korean man in America named Young Jae, married, and had two children, Nikki and Micheal Biyung. Her aunt Lisa Biyung married into a English family known as the Blackmores). Moving on, Nikki was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with her family. She didn't exactly have a great time growing up, due to her powers subconsciously attracting large quantities of insects to her. Which made it difficult for her to really connect to people, but she never saw the insects as a real hindrance, nor was she afraid of them. It just hindered her ability to play with other kids. To say the least, she had a less than stellar time in Kindergarten. As her ability developed, it made it difficult to participate in school or stay in one place too long, as the swarm got bigger, and more aggressive and protective of her. To the point where she had to be pulled out of public school, and placed into home school. Where there were less of a risk of her harming people. That said, there isn't much remarkable about her backstory. There was a natural progression of events, as Nikki aged, she received a normal-ish education, but could never get social skills down. She lived far away from other homes, in a place that had a large yard, thus she could go outside and interact with the very arthropods that she had attracted. There she got an idea that she was different from everyone else. Still, for a good deal of her life, she remained the dark little secret of the Biyung family. When she was ten a pedophile had targeted Nikki. While she was playing in her yard, he came up and tried to snatch her out. She was utterly terrified, and couldn't help but scream. The swarm that she constantly attracted was subconsciously ordered to attack him. A few hundred insects that covered his entire being in less than a few minutes. Wasps, bees, cockroaches, ants, beetles - Everything chewing his entire body. Injecting him with as much poisons as they could. He was dead shortly. By that, Nikki's mother and father came out and helped her. It was near impossible explaining that he was killed by a swarm. That event changed Nikki, and became a defining moment. That was when she finally realized that there was more to the insects than she believed; that she was special. Then Nikki wondered if she could control it. She became even more detached from the social life, but dedicated that time to learning about her power. Spending the next few years training herself to use her power. Which had impressed her, Nikki had learned that she could do so much stuff with her powers, and by an extension arthropods. She could even prevent them from subconsciously coming to her. By the time she was 15, Nikki had a relative grasp on her powers. Then she requested that she attends school. After a few months, the school year started, and she began high school. High school wasn't easy. Especially since she had rather poor social skills to begin with. Nikki was no less of a loner in home school than she was in high school. Getting shunned by whoever, even getting her own circle of bullies. Fortunately, she managed to make a few friends in high school, and avoided any and all incidents regarding her power. But still had problem when it came to the social scene. Plus, she was already pretty bored, itching to use her power when she's devoted so much time to training. Nikki decided to put that training to good use. She turned to being a vigilante, you may say. Every night, she went out wearing a hoodie, and used her powers to prevent crimes. Criminals would be found covered in hornet and bee stings, or placed into a cocoon of webs. At first, Nikki was nervous, but in the end, it really helped her. Nikki was much more confident, and did something to alleviate the energy. Despite coming home tired as hell and sometimes; she was doing better when it came to her confidence and stood up to her bullies. Though Nikki got her ass kicked when it came to the latter. Fortunately, Highschool was brief. She managed to get through it alive, and she never had to see those damn bullies again. She kept up the vigilante work, however crime in Philadelphia escalated fast. Super villains and the like were popping up left and right. She was biting off more than she could chew rather fast. She considered even giving up... But not when she could help people. However, there was an alliance of superheroes known as the league that caught her interest. Some of the best people around. They could give her the training and equipment she needs. Nikki looked to join the league, and they let her in with open arms....