Piers slowly limped behind the group, his leg still in pain from the last battle. He had barely been useful in it, merely a distraction, and not even a good one at that. He felt like he was useless, a simple foot soldier that could just be tossed aside when needed to be. And He was partly correct. He had no skill in swords, and he wasn't very strong. He wasn't even fast enough to keep up with the rest of the group. Maybe the only reason he was in the group was because of his sister. Piers kept doubting himself when he felt something soft rub against his neck. it seemed that the baby squirrel he had taken in had woken up and taken a liking to him. It wasn't that weird. Small animals always took a liking to him for some reason. On his other shoulder sat a small bird, quietly chirping. "At least I still have you guys."He said, lightly rubbing each of their heads. When they finally reached Ylisstol, Piers quietly wandered off looking for some food for his new friends. Piers wandered around the streets. There was not one good store in sight for any kind of pet food. Maybe there was actually, but he was too scared to ask anyone. Looking for an alleyway to relax in, Piers observed two people being threatened by some bandits. Upon closer observation, it turned out to be another member of Sacred Blade and some random citizen. Though he was scared, this was a possible chance to prove himself worthy of traveling with the rest of the group. Drawing his sword, Piers hobbled towards the scene scared and trembling. upon reaching it, he slashed at the closest bandit, muttering out his first words to them. "B....Back off or deal with muh...me." Despite being scared, Piers stood shakily firm, ready for any action.