[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/T19F0SZ.jpg[/IMG] [i]The following is an interview with [u]The Daily Prophet[/u] that Parminder Advani gave recently.[/i] [b]Interviewer: So, Parminder, how old are you and how long have you been with the Ministry?[/b] [indent]Parminder: I’m 25 next week, and I joined the Department of Magical Law Enforcement right out of Hogwarts almost eight years ago. [/indent] [b]Interviewer: Wow. You were really young! How did you know you wanted to be an Auror at that age?[/b] [indent]P: I’d known for years at that point. I grew up during the Second Wizarding War. I was fourteen when the Ministry fell and I went on the run from Snatchers. Richard Godfrey was smuggling me out of the country when we got ambushed. He died so I could escape. I swore that if I lived through the war, I’d do everything I could to make a safer England.[/indent] [b]I: That’s really noble. So what is it exactly that you do with the Aurors?[/b] [indent]P: I’m a master tracker. I have a way of finding people that don’t want to be found and I’m right sneaky. All those months on the run really helped hone my abilities.[/indent] [b]I: It’s good to hear you’ve made the best of such a rough start. Okay, let’s get a little more personal. Can you tell us about your childhood before the war?[/b] [indent]P: Absolutely. I’m muggleborn., obviously. My parents were a little uncertain about the magic thing, but they’ve always been supportive of me and my goals. My mum and dad are Doctors—muggle Healers—and they always pushed me to be great. I was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts. My little brother, Suresh, is my best friend. He’s apprenticed under Ollivander now and I couldn’t be prouder. I had a really happy childhood, even with the war.[/indent] [b]I: Uh-huh. And what about now? What would you say your life is like?[/b] [indent]P: (Laughs) So busy! I recently moved from Vice to Homicide and I’m pretty much never home. I make time to visit my family, but I’m usually at the office. I’m not complaining—it’s a real honor to have been trusted with this much responsibility and I’m happy to serve.[/indent] [b]I: You were recently involved in helping take down the mysterious cult, Umbra’s Hand. Can you tell us anything about that?[/b] [indent]P: I provided support, mostly. My boss, Pepper Averys, is the real hero. I learned a lot working with her and the Irish Aurors. I’m relieved we were able to stop them as quickly as we did. A lot of good people died. There's a monument to their sacrifice in the works and I'm really looking forward to seeing it. They deserve nothing less.[/indent] [b]I: So, who’s your favorite person to work with in the department?[/b] [indent]P: Oh, Eric Pucey, by far. He was my mentor when I first qualified. He’s my best mate and he keeps me sane when I get into a case.[/indent] [b]I: What do you think of the rumors of his family’s ties to the Death Eaters?[/b] [indent]P: The Wizengamot couldn’t find any proof, and even if they did, Eric is his own man. He’s put away a lot of bad guys and saved a lot of lives in the process. His whole family could be cannibalistic psychopaths, but that wouldn’t change the fact that Eric is a good man. I'm proud to be his friend.[/indent] [b]I: You’re a loyal woman. Do you have anyone special in your life?[/b] [indent]P: Not really. I’m really too busy to pursue anything at the moment.[/indent] [b]I: Alright then. Why don’t we get back to you specifically. What would you say your strengths and weaknesses are?[/b] [indent]P: Uh, I’m a total workaholic! (Laughs nervously) I can get pretty tunnel visioned when I’m on a case. It helps me catch dark wizards, but sometimes I forget simple stuff like eating or watering my houseplants. I’m a good cook, but I hate doing dishes. Even with magic, I let dishes pile up in the sink. It drives my parents crazy![/indent] [b]I: I think that’s all we have time for today. It was great getting to know you. I wish you luck with your caseload and your pile of dishes![/b] [indent]P: Thanks so much! It was lovely talking with you.[/indent]