[center][b]BATTLE IN NORTON CITY PT. 2: BOSS FIGHT[/center][/b] The blow the amphibian like creature had given Aaron had really sent him for a loop, it had taken longer than he had anticipated to stand back up from the monsterous blow. His vision had become blurry from hitting his head so hard on the submerged concrete but he got to witness his friends charging the horrendous monster in full and as he finally got his wits about him Aaron followed suit, both blades poised to unleash another maelstrom of fury. Aaron was too late to see the events that were already in place as the creature unleashed a thick fog of billowing spirits out among the group of friends, Aaron inhaling a massive lung full of the caustic smog. Aaron quickly dashed away as quickly a he could trying to avoid another strike from the behemoth in his current state of breathlessness. The sensation of this hacking reminded him of the first time smoking cigarettes, only this smoke didn't seem to leave. It started as a whisper at first, almost as if someone was standing from across the room and tried to whisper to him. A sudden feeling of dread fell over him as the whisper grew louder and louder culminating into a hystarical laughter that felt as if someone was screaming in his ear. A cold bony hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it hard sending a sharp pain all the way through his body. [i]"Aaron, Aaron, Aaron...you just don't get it do you. You will never be able to kill the Xenomorphs, that Nautilus troops...hell you can't even get near me. You are worthless and you will only get your friends killed."[/i] Aaron began visibly shaking, now enveloped in complete fear and sadness, he knew that deep down in the pit of his soul that the phantom was right. He was and will never be strong enough to do anything to save his friends and now they were all going to die in a literal shit-hole in the middle of a dying city that could not defend itself and had to call children to war. The feeling of despair began to subside as an odd sense of anger began to rise within him, why had they felt the need to send children to war while the seasoned soldiers stayed at home. [i]"It wont matter how angry you get Aaron, you will never be able to save them, you are too weak and there is nothing you will ever do that can save them."[/i] Finally having enough of hearing the annoying phantom shriek at him Aaron turned and faced him eye to eye, feeling his hot and nauseating breath blowing across his face and screamed back at him with furious intent, [b]"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IMAGINARY SON OF A BITCHHHH!!!!"[/B] It was at that moment that the sound of Olivia's voice found its way into Aaron's ear, even in distress it held melodious properties to him. As he turned and faced the sound's origin Aaron took stock in the world around him, Liv and Maggie were pinned by the creature as the others were still reeling from the effect of the caustic fumes emmitted by the foul beast. Without a second thought Aaron charged underneath the enormous creature and slashed at the forearms that was holding Liv and Maggie against the wall until the creature stumbled away. Once the creature was sufficiently from his friends Aaron unleashed his furious wind up and into the underside of the beasts throat. As the wound began to pour the foul black substance over him an odd feeling washed over him, like something that he had experienced before but he couldn't place. The smell of the blood that now covered him invigorated him, his senses became clearer, endorphin's rushed through his body giving a sense of overwhelming satisfaction. Slowly, as if there was a part of him was trying to fight it, a smile emerged from his lips that stretched into a wide grin of pure pleasure. Anyone who saw would not see the kind and gentle Aaron, but a darker more villainous creature. Something far more terrifying than anything that could be seen or heard in the war above their heads. With a new sense of blood-lust overloading his senses, Aaron once again charged out from under the creature with a brilliant display of acrobatics until he was positioned above his last cut on the top of the creature. Aaron began to rotate in the air, the gleam of his swords flashing marvelously in the slight sunlight that was exposed through the grates above the group in their opponent, and as he approached the creature and the wind began to gather around his blades and subsequently around the spinning ball of death that Aaron had become a loud and curious sound came from Aaron, something that would haunt him and his friends he was sure till the day they die. Laughter; pure, unadulterated, laughter. The kind of laughter that can only come from pure blood-lust and enjoyment of the kill. As his blades made contact with the creatures neck, that was when Aaron unleashed the full, unbridled fury that was the wind surrounding his blades. The wound was deep but survivable but at that moment, Aaron didn't care. He wanted this battle to last forever in a glorious fight to the death between him and this creature. As he landed on the ground it wasn't long before he was off again charging and slashing at every conceivable place he could find on the creature, a trail from the blood that covered him began to follow him almost to the point that it looked like a single dark line which was being continuously drawn around the creature as he went, the bloodthirsty laughter following it as it went.